Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by John Kemp

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe the re opening of Manston as an airport is vital to the area of east Kent, primarily for the recreation of jobs and the wealth of the area. East Kent generally has no real jobs, if the airport opens the initial creation of both skilled and unskilled jobs will really assist the area. If the airport is allowed to open, while the prediction of jobs estimated may be ambitious, I am confident that if the applicants invest the money they say they will eventually many many jobs will exist. This will also include jobs for younger persons which are really needed, not just in the Thanet area. The runway is already built and most of the basics are already available so why not use this to reduce the busy airports of Gatwick and Heathrow with their cargo traffic. The roads in Thanet are already gridlocked at rush hour and if houses are built, even if the surrounding roads are widened at some stage, they will have to go to single carriageway and the current congestion that exists will then be even more intolerable. I also believe that the plans made by the applicant to involve the local community will be of a real benefit. The new Manston railway station has been appproved and the roads to the west of the airfield are already built so this will also assist in the removal of cargo from the airfield. I can not see any reasons why this application should not be approved especially as the airfield has been in situ for almost 100 years. There are many reasons why I believe the building of houses should NOT be approved. Where are all the people who buy these houses going to work. There is no work locally. The pollution to water supply, the loss of habitat to the wild life that currently resides ther.(hares). If houses are built when the current fire fighting school carries out their exercises I can see all the new residents complaining and even more jobs being lost. It is true that should houses be built it will create jobs, but only on a short term basis. [Redacted] and I both hope to see the application for the re opening of the airport, passed and the area of Thanet begin to flourish again, but with real long term employment created.