Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Sarah Craven

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston is an important sir cargo infrastructure both nationally and locally. I would like to be able to travel abroad from Manston even if it is a hub and spoke approach. My son would like to get his private pilots licence and travelling to Lydd is expensive and I feel Manston would offer a better experience for him. Lydd is ok but very basic and small. I feel the reopening of Manston would be good for local employment and businesses. I would like to see the search and rescue service relocated to Manston. Manston already has an impressive fire station and was were the horses for 2022 Olypics were flown into, with quarantine etc. I believe Manston already has lots of outbuildings that could be used for aviation purposes. I feel Manston would be an excellent diversion airport when needed. It is my opinion that Manston airport is wanted by the majority of local people.