Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by David Macmillan

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Living within about 1000 metres of the runway, I confirm that we have not received any correspondence detailing the airport plans which is not what has been reported. Living this close to the airport any aircraft movement gives noise and air pollution and taxiing aircraft brings the smell of fuel to the atmosphere, Reports have shown that, in residential areas, outdoor aircraft noise levels of 60 dB(A) in the daytime and 45 dB(A) at night are associated with an increased incidence of hypertension. Even RSP has made clear that “aircraft noise would increase to a point where there would be a perceived change in the quality of life for occupants of buildings in these communities”. There is substantial evidence about the negative effects of noise and air pollution, particularly upon children and the elderly. In the past we were regularly subjected to the smell and fumes from aircraft which aggravated the asthma suffered by our children and, in terms of the type and number of aircraft which RSP expects to welcome, these effects will be considerably intensified. RSL have repeatedly hidden the amount of night flights that a successful cargo airport would require to make it work. Night flights noise pollution would intensify the effects on residents bringing health problems over a period of time. There are many claims (unsubstantiated) from airport supporters, and the two local RSP MPs, that over 85% of Thanet residents want the airport back. Not only is this figure unsubstantiated, but support is based upon false claims and myths, e.g. that the airport will provide “30,000 jobs within East Kent and the wider economy”, that there exist many other brown field sites just as suitable for housing developments, that the resurrection of the airport will spare Thanet further housing development: “we want an airport not houses!” As a result, thousands of houses are now being planned for green field sites, but without the corresponding infrastructure conceived by its owners for the Manston development. There have been three failed attempts to make an airport work over a long period of time. RSL have failed to show that sufficient funding and a solid business plan is in place. If planning is allowed it is likely to find RSL would sell off some assets, with little control overall from council planners, to keep it afloat. Once it failed the area would be blighted with the same issue it has now. It is impossible for this airport to provide the large number of jobs suggested and would only grid lock our underfunded motorways to Thanet with more lorry movements as this already happens with Channel crossing ports.This airport development must not be allowed.