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Representation by Lisa Jordan

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register as an interested party against the plans put forward by Riveroak in the DCO. I am against the proposal for the following reasons:

The application does not represent that of National Strategic Importance warranting a DCO. The location of the airport is not suitable for a cargo hub. The applicants have no credibility in the success of progressing the proposals both financially and in track record or skill base & resource. The reports submitted and communication display confusing and contradictory data in the number of flights, noise projections and the general impact of local services and infrastructure.

There is insufficient data to reflect the true impact, cargo leaving the hub, tankers supplying the hub \aircraft will result in an increase in traffic locally, on a road network incapable of supporting this.

The cargo hub will be cause of great noise pollution and air pollution. Low flying aircraft in residential areas, exposing occupiers to increased health risks and a depreciated quality of life due to the quantity and nature of flights. local school affected directly under the flight path and surrounds, will also in additon to health risks, suffer from disruption to schooling, be that through deprived sleep or during the day whilst in studies.

Ramsgate and surrounding towns are of historic importance. Ramsgate has the only royal harbour which is of national importance and should be recognised, large noisy planes flying over is not conducive to a thriving Tourist trade or helping local businesses succeed.

Housing is in need throughout the country. The current owners have plans for housing development and recreational facilities as well as business space provision. this in itself will provide for more employment, necessary quota of housing and business sites. It will also consider infrastructure requirements. Such a proposal is far more viable and in keeping with national government planning and policies in place for local government plans, economic growth and development, than a cargo hub on a site that has not worked as an airport for a long period of time.