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Representation by Albion House Hotel, Ramsgate (Albion House Hotel, Ramsgate)

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs

My wife and myself write to register our concerns about the work by RSP to create a cargo hub at Manston airport. There would appear to us to be significant roadblocks towards this becoming a viable proposal.

It is important to focus on the facts and the research and opinions of experts;

• RSP’s proposal has been discredited by 4 independent experts when reviewing the claims of the cargo hub’s economic viability exposing forecasts to be ‘deeply flawed’. • Noise from the night flights will inevitably have an adverse effect on health with those who are elder at greater risk from high blood pressure and coronary disease, but more worryingly, young children having developmental problems • Funding estimates and forecasts for a project of this size seem not to have allowed for the significant infrastructure costs associated with a cargo airport. This is a large and risky project with a high level of uncertainty.

Our main concern is this though; Ramsgate is a town whose economy is built largely on tourism. The argument could be made, ‘well let’s add another string to our bow,’ by creating a cargo hub which introduces another significant operational industry to the area. One which involves haulage, logistics, repairs and maintenance associated with the aircraft etc. But rather than augment Ramsgate’s current, strongest revenue generating industry, it will unavoidably cause significant damage if not destroy it.

Our main concern therefore is the business we have created here in Ramsgate, one for which we received a significant help at the outset from County Council level through the regional growth fund, is in danger of being terribly affected, or worse, killed by night flights.

Conservatively we bring 7,000 room guests (hotel) to Ramsgate per year and a further 20,000 people via our holiday let business. Equally, we draw people from the local vicinity, not only in Thanet but from a wider area. We pledged to employ 15 people when creating our business. We employ almost double this because of the unexpected success of the business, how it has developed and perhaps by underestimating how many people it would require to run our operation. There is a much wider network of people for whom our hotel is important in terms of income. Suppliers, maintenance and repair workmen and fellow food and beverage operators.

In short, this is about people. Peoples’ livelihoods are at risk. Peoples’ health is at risk. Peoples’ pride in their town, the heritage of their town, the spectacle of their beaches, the beauty of their buildings, the biodiversity of their local nature reserves. RSP cannot be allowed to put at risk many of the great assets this town has for a cargo airport industry experts show we do not need.

Yours faithfully

Ben and Emma Irvine Albion House Hotel, Ramsgate & My Seaside Luxury Ltd