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Representation by Elizabeth Green

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Having lived in Ramsgate for over 20 years I am well aware of the impact of flights, particularly cargo and night flights from the former airport. I am most concerned at the detrimental effect it will have on the residents and the town itself. Conversations were impossible, telephone conversations had to be abandoned. The windows in our house used to vibrate. The planes were so low the rooms at the rear of the house were cast into shadow, then the rooms at the front of the house, as the planes passed over. The lack of height of the planes was really worrying. There have been reports of damage to houses by the vortex of planes flying over. Our house suffered sudden roof damage and 2 builders stated they believed it to be ice from a plane. The only place they had seen similar damage around was Heathrow airport where they had spent some time working.

Financial Viability I ask that PINS look very thoroughly into what appears to be the very dubious financial viability of this company.

Tourism/Investment Since the previous flights stopped Ramsgate has developed an increasing tourist economy, a successful cafe culture, good quality new hotels, investment in new businesses. Many more people moving here and investing in the town. Visitors numbers have increased, the beaches are now busy and people return. Tourism would be destroyed, no one wants to sit on a beach, drink a coffee by our beautiful harbour or shop in our town centre with cargo planes screeching loudly overhead. Estate agents are already reporting that people are stopping buying in Ramsgate and residents are losing buyers for fear of the cargo hub.

The impact on local schools was, and would be, totally unacceptable. With the previous flights, which were far fewer in number than those proposed, lessons were disrupted by the intense noise. Teaching had to stop for some minutes.

Health The health impact of an airport such as that proposed are well documented and would be devastating on the local population. The local health statistics are already a matter of grave concern and I ask that PINS gives this issue serious consideration.