Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mr W Rennie

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

INADEQUATE CONSULTATION - There has been no direct communication and proper consultation from RSP to many home owners, such as myself, who are under the existing flight path in Ramsgate, about their plans for opening the airport as a cargo hub. In addition on the RSP website there is so much material it's hard to get a clear view of what they intend.

HEALTH CONCERNS - Noise pollution and poor air quality are a major concern particularly given new evidence on health risks from airbourne pollutants. There are 3 schools under the flight path, the nearest is less than 2km from the runway (closer than the nearest school to a runway at Heathrow)

NIGHT FLIGHTS - It is completely unacceptable to have night flights over a densely populated area.

SAFETY ISSUES – There has already been a safety incident associated with planes coming in low to Manston. Converting an airfield originally built for military purposes with much smaller planes to service modern large cargo aircraft near a densely populated town does not feel like a safe option. As well as schools there are many houses less than 2km from the runway.

CONGESTION - There is already considerable congestion round the M25 and the approach to the Dartford Crossing where there are often jams with the volume of traffic coming from Kent. This proposal would increase the volume of traffic considerably.

SAFEGARDING WATER SUPPLY - Drinking water is below the airport.

PREVIOUS INVESTIGATION/EXPERIENCE into the suitability of Manston as a major transport hub by others has either said it would not be suitable or found that it didn’t work. (eg.1993 DTI Report which said Manston was unsuitable for major development as it was so close to the town of Ramsgate.) There is currently another proposal for mixed use, including housing, for the site that offers much more to the local community which would not happen if a cargo airport went ahead.