Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Alison Jones

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned and opposed to the Manston Airport Cargo Hub. I feel Ramsgate is on an 'upswing' . There are new restaurants and businesses around the harbour, families moving in beacuse of the great community, beaches & schools, A great small venue music hall that was voted best in the country! Wetherspoons recently transformed the old pavilion into their largest venue. Addington St is seeing a resurgance with a great record and coffee shop, antique shop, and a new gallery space. There's a new deli & a great restaurant and boutique hotel, all within the last 3 years. All of these premisies are creating much needed jobs and opportunities in the local community. And they are under the projected flight path! I think a cargo hub would directly affect the progress that is being made in the local community, in a negative way. Extremely loud noise & pollution. Tractor trailers rumbling and ruining our roads, creating congestion on already crowded roads. i'm concerned that families wouldn't want to live here if they were under a flight path. I'm also not sure if we are in the best area for a cargo hub, on the tip of east coast Kent? Don't we want to preserve the natural attraction of a quiet and beautiful seaside town, that is just beginning to come into itself. I would rather see the existing airport turned into much needed housing & mixed used space with opportunties for the growth of small businesses.