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Representation by sophie Fowler

Date submitted
16 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I moved to the beautiful town of Herne Bay 15 years ago as it’s a wonderful place to bring up a young family. When I moved down here only around 4 planes a day would fly over which I thought was fine. This new development sounds horrendous.We may live 11 miles away but where our home is situated, it’s the direct line of the runway and would still have effects on our daily lives. am deeply concerned about what effects it will have my daughter who is 12 by her not being able to have a good night's sleep if planes are going over our home all day and night. By not being able to sleep it will effect her schoolwork by her not being able to concentrate in lessons. My daughter dreams to be writer but how will she will she be able to concentrate with thunderous freight planes flying overhead every few minutes? We have been told many different stories by the RiverOak people about night flight from “No we don’t want night Flights” to “Only emergency flights or late flights” and “There will be no more than 8 Flights a night” In RiverOak’s own documents it states they are applying for a quota count of over 3000 and I would like it clarified why they need such a high number when emergencies, humanitarian and royal flights are exempt from the quota count. I am also deeply concerned that RiverOak have included planes that are QC4 which are banned from London airports. Why is this?

Another worry I have is that of the local economy, since the airport closed in 2014 Herne Bay town is becoming a thriving community with lots of cafes, restaurants and shops which are doing well with tourist trade and I’m concerned that if tourism slumps these independent stores will have to shut down leaving us with a ghost town.