Manston Airport

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 376 to 400 of 429 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Simon Crow

    Can you please explain how RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd will ensure that, during the formal consultation period, the public's expressed views will be properly recognised, recorded and taken into... Read more

  • View meeting with RiverOak Strategic Partners

    Project update meeting.

  • View advice to Robert Bird

    Can I ask you to ensure that [RiverOak Strategic Partners] RSP make a public statement clarifying that compensation is not dependent on completion of the land referencing survey, as the Save Manston... Read more

  • View advice to Save Manston Airport Association

    Is “Land referencing [...] a key part of the DCO process and [...] strictly governed by statute and regulation”?

  • View advice to Save Manston Airport Group

    Can you tell me if the attached questionnaire is pertinent to the DCO process as RiverOak Strategic Partners are claiming they are acting on your behalf?

  • View advice to Robert Bird

    Further to our previous correspondence regarding the proposed Manston Airport DCO, I'd like to bring to your attention a letter published in this week's Kent on Sunday. The letter is written by Dr... Read more

  • View advice to No Night Flights

    Please find attached a copy of a letter from No Night Flights to Thanet District Council. The letter is No Night Flights’ comment on a document issued by RSP (RiverOak Strategic Partners). The RSP... Read more

  • View advice to No Night Flights

    1. Please can PINS confirm that RiverOak Strategic Partner’s new application [for s53 authorisation] will be treated as an application by an entirely new and separate commercial entity? 2. Please... Read more

  • View advice to James Baldry

    I fully appreciate that, under under s53 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) (the PA2008), the Planning Inspectorate will be assessing any application against whether "... (a) the proposed applicant... Read more

  • View advice to James Baldry

    We understand that you have received, or are about to receive, a Section 53 application from a company called RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) for access to a privately owned site in the UK belonging... Read more

  • View advice to Laurence Maccali

    Para 5.4 of page 15 of your April 2015 Guidance Note states that the Planning Inspectorate is not responsible for compliance with any Section 53 Authorisations granted by the Secretary of State. As... Read more

  • View advice to Herbert Smith Freehills

    Would the Planning Inspectorate have recommended to the Secretary of State that s53 Authorisation be granted to RiverOak Investment Corporation LLP (ROIC), if it had been aware that ROIC had no... Read more

  • View advice to Robert Bird

    I have recently become aware that an amendment, allowing houses to be included in a DCO application, has been made to the Planning Act 2008 via a section contained in the Housing and Planning Act... Read more

  • View advice to Robert Bird

    With regards to the s.53 access request, as the applicant was the US RiverOak entity, and 'authorised persons' are defined as the applicant and other person's authorised by the applicant, can you... Read more

  • View advice to Robert Bird

    I note from recent correspondence on your website, and documents published by RiverOak, that the US part of RiverOak is apparently no longer connected to the application for a DCO for the former... Read more

  • View advice to Bircham Dyson Bell

    Bircham Dyson Bell, on behalf of the Applicant, invited comments from the Planning Inspectorate about the draft Statement of Community Consultation (dSoCC).

  • View advice to Richard Card

    I see that Michael CHILD has emailed you usefully re a Riveroak consultative document and its status. I have emailed their solicitor with my precautionary principle concerns a number of times. No... Read more

  • View advice to Simon Crow

    RiverOak has recently published a Draft Statement of Community Consultation (dSoCC) in connection with its proposals for the former Manston airport site. The draft SoCC, copy attached, raises some... Read more

  • View advice to Michael Child

    Hi with reference to the Manston DCO pre application a draft consultation document has appeared on the Support... Read more

  • View meeting with Anonymous

    See Meeting Note attached

  • View advice to Simon Crow

    Following the Planning Inspectorate's recent granting of access for RiverOak to the former airport site at Manston, can you confirm if Manston is an asset of national significance.

  • View meeting with Anonymous

    Project Update Meeting

  • View advice to Robert Bird

    I have seen reference to RiverOak carrying out their statutory consultation in Q1 2017, which is now only a matter of a few weeks away. I understand that they are required by the Planning Act 2008 to... Read more

  • View advice to Sir Roger Gale MP

    See attached letter

  • View advice to Save Manston Airport Association

    A suite of queries relating to s53 (Rights of Entry) of the Planning Act 2008 and timescales