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Advice to Robert Bird

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Robert Bird
Date advice given
28 April 2017
Enquiry type

Can I ask you to ensure that [RiverOak Strategic Partners] RSP make a public statement clarifying that compensation is not dependent on completion of the land referencing survey, as the Save Manston Airport Association [SMAa] campaign group is making this case to anyone and everyone, and I am aware that many people are providing information in fear of losing their right to compensation.

Can you ask RSP to clarify the relationship between the two parties, as Beau Webber, SMAa chair, has the appearance of acting as a RiverOak spokesman. Without clarification, this further adds to the ambiguity surrounding RSP's communications and plans for Manston.

It would also be beneficial if RSP could confirm whether they have provided funding to SMAa, either directly from RSP, or via one of the Company's directors or other employee.

Advice given

The Planning Inspectorate has recently issued clear advice to a number of individuals in relation to the land referencing exercise being undertaken by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP). This advice has been published on our website and is available for the public to inspect.

If you have not already, please make your views about the Save Manston Airport Association's (SMAa) recent statements known to RSP. It will be for RSP to decide whether making a clarificatory public statement would be an appropriate and proportionate response to the concerns raised.

I would reiterate that the Planning Inspectorate has not been informed about any relationship between the applicant, RSP, and the SMAa.