Manston Airport

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 126 to 150 of 429 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Richard Card

    Do you now take down your Manston page S51 advice etc and await a complete new application from RSP ?

  • View advice to Jonathan Fowler

    Can the Planning Inspectorate please advise the number of applications to date which have been withdrawn by the applicant, along with the name or other reference for such withdrawn applications. An... Read more

  • View advice to Ian and Hilary Scott

    Our understanding was this was an pre-application not a consultation period with PINS so we are wondering why this was discussed with them while the 28 day period was running, especially as there was... Read more

  • View advice to Anthony Fuller

    Our understanding was this was an pre-application not a consultation period with PINS so we are wondering why this was discussed with them while the 28 day period was running, especially as there was... Read more

  • View advice to Ken Wraight

    Can you advise me that a new application will be looked on with fresh eyes and take as long as needed to make a decision. please advise any new application will be treated at face value without... Read more

  • View advice to Susan Kennedy

    I understand that shortly before the deadine of 28 days consideration of their application, RSP have withdrawn such. Their plan appears to be to resubmit an application. I would be grateful if you... Read more

  • View meeting with RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd

    Project update meeting.

  • View advice to Stone Hill Park Ltd

    We note that PINS’ website has now been updated to confirm that RSP’s application has been submitted and that the Applicant has not agreed to the application documents being made public. We are... Read more

  • View advice to Pinsent Masons LLP for Stone Hill Park Ltd

    Please see attachment.

  • View advice to Michael Child

    Re the Manston DCO 2018 consultation, could you kindly send me details relating to the 2018 consultation notifications. I discussed this with Sam at the 2018 Comfort Inn consultation event, but then I... Read more

  • View advice to Adem Mehmet

    On 19th April the sponsor posted this on their website see this link The release was not widely publicised. In this release they claim that they will... Read more

  • View advice to Sophie Fowler

    Could you confirm that the DCO application for Manston has been submitted by RiverOak Strategic Partners and if it has when will the documents be published on your website?

  • View advice to Mark de Pulford

    Local press reported on Monday that RSP has submitted its DCO application. The applicants are quoted as having provided some 10,500 pages, a figure also voiced by the local MP. I note that the... Read more

  • View advice to Michael Child

    Yesterday RSP announced that they had submitted their Manston DCO application to pins. I understand that this triggers the 28 day period during which pins will decide if the can accept the... Read more

  • View advice to Richard Card

    Is there a summary dismissal procedure for application to minister or do I still have to wait for interested party submission stage. I am anxious to avoid applying for judicial review of Chief... Read more

  • View advice to Adem Mehmet

    I understand the DCO application will be submitted to you next week. You've received a great deal of communication from members of the public on a wide range of issues in particular the adequacy of... Read more

  • View advice to Peter Binding

    Do you routinely accept submissions from people using fake identities and, if not why have you done so on this occasion? Do you believe that accepting and publishing submissions from people using... Read more

  • View advice to Ken Wraight

    Please can you note the report from mps over noise and night flights over London re Heathrow expansion. Please can you advise if these restrictions will apply to all new dco applications ie... Read more

  • View advice to Adem Mehmet

    What additional due diligence will PINS carry out with respect to the Manston DCO taking into account the issues I raise in the paragraph above which apply to the sponsor Riveroak Strategic Partners... Read more

  • View advice to The Ramsgate Society

    Our concern is with the impact that RiverOaks’ proposed development of the currently redundant airport site as a n international air cargo hub would have on the historic character and heritage of the... Read more

  • View advice to Adem Mehmet

    What would be helpful to all involved in this process and particularly the large number of people who are concerned about the possibility of night flights, would be if you could confirm the... Read more

  • View advice to Adem Mehmet

    Please can you tell me what action you will be taking to correct the impression that I believe Sir Roger Gale has created of your departments supportive position regarding aviation at Manston Airport?

  • View advice to Cllr. Susan Kennedy

    I’m reliably informed that your advice to developers is that: "“For the pre-application consultation process, applicants are advised to include sufficient preliminary environmental information to... Read more

  • View advice to MJ Feekings

    I recently (03.02.18) discovered that there is a request for a 24/7 freight hub at Manston Airport! Not only have I only just been made aware of this, which came from a social conversation (not from,... Read more

  • View advice to Julie Anderson

    I'm writing to you regarding my concerns over the proposed plans for a Cargo Hub at Manston Airport put forward by Riveroak Strategic Partners (RSP). And more importantly the night flight situation... Read more