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Advice to Various

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Date advice given
8 August 2016
Enquiry type

Support for the proposed scheme after attending the non-statutory consultation event/s held by RiverOak

Advice given

As RiverOak’s proposals are still in the Pre-Application stage of the process, The Planning Inspectorate does not have a formal role in receiving representations on the scheme at this time. Until an application is formally made to us, RiverOak are your first point of contact for any comments you have on the proposal.

If an application is formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and it is accepted to progress to Examination, then there will be a formal stage where you will be invited to submit your representations. Further information about the process and making a representation can be found on our website. In particular the Advice Note 8 series should help give you advice on how to have your say in the planning process.