1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to Adem Mehmet

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Adem Mehmet
Date advice given
24 August 2018
Enquiry type
  1. You have decided that the project is a NISP ?
  2. That RSP have addressed to your satisfaction on the issues you raised with them regarding their initial submission which they withdrew ?
  3. You have decided that the various consultations were of an adequate standing ?

Advice given

  1. On the basis of the information provided in the application documents dated 17 July 2018, the Planning Inspectorate is satisfied that the Draft Development Consent Order includes development for which development consent is required (ie that it is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project within the meaning of the Planning Act 2008).
  2. The Applicant addressed the concerns set out by the Inspectorate to the extent that the application accepted for examination on 14 August 2018 was considered to be of a satisfactory standard.
  3. The Planning Inspectorate is satisfied that the Applicant acted reasonably in seeking to comply with Chapter 2 of Part 5 (pre-application procedure) of the PA2008, including in carrying out its statutory consultation duties.