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Advice to Poppy Jeffrey

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Poppy Jeffrey
Date advice given
31 August 2018
Enquiry type

About a week ago, the website said that interest could be registered from September 3, but that date has now been removed from the website. Is there a reason for this?

Advice given

Please see our response to a similar query here: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/legislation-and-advice/register-of-advice/?ipcadvice=479fed74b4

We have now published the Applicant’s s56 notice, formally notifying that the application has been accepted for Examination. This notice also confirms when the registration period will open: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR020002/TR020002-002568-s.56%20Newspaper%20Notice%20-%20Manston%20-%20Reg%209%20App%20Regs%20Reg%2016%202017%20EIA%20Regs%20-.._.pdf