Cyngor i Wind Prospect
Yn ôl i'r rhestrYmholiad
- Oddiwrth
- Wind Prospect
- Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
- 13 Ionawr 2012
- Math o ymholiad
- Phone
What are the timescales following acceptance
Cyngor a roddwyd
The IPC processes following an application?s acceptance are broken into the segments listed below. As discussed, Able Marine Energy Park was accepted for examination on 12 January 2012.
Pre-Examination Stage (approx 3 months): This stage has no fixed timetable as the timings are developer led, but it usually takes approximately 3 months from the time of the developer?s formal notification and publicity of an accepted application.
Examination Stage (6 months): The IPC has six months to carry out the examination beginning with the day after the examination?s start day
Decision Stage (3 months + 3 months): The IPC will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State within 3 months, who will make then make their decision within an additional 3 month period. The IPC will publish all decisions on our website.
Post decision (6 weeks) If the decision is to grant development consent, a 6 week period for legal challenge runs from the date of the publication of the order (or the statement of reasons if published later).
You can keep up to date with the scheme?s progress via its project page on the website (link provided below) or through its dedicated twitter feed, as listed on the website's register of applications.