Immingham Green Energy Terminal Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 20 February 2024

The examination is expected to close on 20 August 2024

Have your say

Upcoming deadlines and events

2 August 2024 - Deadline 6 (D6)


Deadline 6 (D6) For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Responses to the Examining Authority’s Third Written Questions (WQ3) (if issued)
  • Comments on the Examining Authority’s proposed schedule of changes to the draft Development Consent Order (if issued)
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at Deadline 5
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

15 August 2024 - Deadline 7 (D7)

Deadline 7 (D7) For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Comments on the Report on Implications for European Sites (if issued)
  • Comments on responses to Examining Authority’s Third Written Questions (WQ3) (if issued)
  • Comments on responses to the Examining Authority’s proposed schedule of changes to the draft Development Consent Order (if issued)
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at Deadline 6
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

Final Updates from the Applicant:

  • Final Statements of Common Ground
  • Final Statement of Commonality
  • Final Guide to the Application
  • Final draft Development Consent Order in the Statutory Instrument (SI) template in both word and PDF versions
  • SI template validation report and
  • Consolidated tracked changed version of the final draft Development Consent Order
  • Final Explanatory Memorandum
  • Final Schedule of changes to draft Development Consent Order
  • Final Land Rights Tracker
  • Final updated Book of Reference

20 August 2024 - Deadline 8 (D8)

Deadline 8 (D8) For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Any further information requested by Examining Authority

20 August 2024 - Close of Examination by the Examining Authority

Close of Examination by the Examining Authority

  • The Examining Authority is under a duty to complete the examination of the application by the end of the period of six months.

Past deadlines and events

6 February 2024 - Procedural Deadline A


Procedural Deadline A For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Request to change from postal to email notifications for parties who receive notifications by post
  • Proposed Familiarisation Site Inspection (FSI) itinerary from the Applicant
  • Any written submissions about how the application is to be Examined
  • Receipt of additional application material from the Applicant

6 February 2024 - Registration for the events week commencing 19 February 2024


20 February 2024 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting (PM)

20 February 2024 - Issue Specific hearing 1 (ISH1)


Issue Specific hearing 1 (ISH1)

21 February 2024 - Issue Specific hearing 2 (ISH2)


Issue Specific hearing 2 (ISH2)

22 February 2024 - Issue Specific hearing 3 (ISH3)


Issue Specific hearing 3 (ISH3)

23 February 2024 - Familiarisation Site Inspection


Familiarisation Site Inspection

13 March 2024 - Deadline 1 (D1)


Deadline 1 For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Responses to Relevant Representations
  • Written Representations (WR), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words
  • Responses to the Examining Authority’s First Written Questions
  • Applicant’s Land Rights Tracker
  • Applicant’s Statutory Undertakers Schedule
  • Statements of Common Ground
  • Applicant’s Statement of Commonality
  • Local Impact Reports from relevant Local Authorities
  • Notification by Statutory Parties of their wish to be considered as an Interested Party by the Examining Authority
  • Requests for Open Floor Hearing
  • Requests for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing
  • Nominations for locations to be included in Examining Authority’s site inspections
  • Any other information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

Updates from the Applicant

  • Guide to the Application
  • Draft Development Consent Order, including consolidated tracked changed version
  • Explanatory Memorandum
  • Schedule of changes to Draft Development Consent Order

26 March 2024 - Deadline 2 (D2)


Deadline 2 For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Comments on responses to Relevant Representation
  • Comments on Written Representations
  • Comments on responses to the Examining Authority’s First Written Questions
  • Comments on the Local Impact Reports
  • Comments from Affected Persons on Applicant’s Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
  • Applicant’s proposed Accompanied Site Inspection itinerary (if requested by the Examining Authority)
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at Deadline 1
  • Confirmation of wish to attend and speak at the Hearings w/c 8 April 2024 and w/c 15 April, including details of topics of discussion
  • Any other information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

3 April 2024 - Registration for the events week commencing 8 and 15 April 2024


19 April 2024 - Dates reserved for Hearings and Site Inspection


Dates reserved for Hearings and Site Inspection

Weeks commencing 8 April and 15 April 2024

  • Accompanied Site Inspection
  • Compulsory Acquisition Hearing
  • Issue Specific Hearing
  • Open Floor Hearing

3 May 2024 - Deadline 3 (D3)


Deadline 3 (D3) For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Post-Hearing submissions including written submissions of oral case as requested by Examining Authority
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at Deadline 2
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

Updates from the applicant

  • Guide to the Application
  • Statements of Common Ground
  • Statement of Commonality
  • Draft Development Consent Order, including consolidated tracked changed version
  • Explanatory Memorandum
  • Schedule of Changes to Draft Development Consent Order
  • Land Rights Tracker

17 May 2024 - Publication by the Examining Authority of


Publication by the Examining Authority of:

  • Second Written Questions (if issued)

4 June 2024 - Deadline 4 (D4)


Deadline 4 (D4) For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Responses to the Examining Authority’s Second Written Questions (WQ2) (if issued)
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at Deadline 3
  • Confirmation of wish to attend and speak at the Hearings w/c 1 July 2024 including details of topics of discussion
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Procedure Rules

Updates from the Applicant:

  • Guide to the Application
  • Statements of Common Ground
  • Statement of Commonality
  • Draft Development Consent Order
  • Explanatory Memorandum
  • Schedule of Changes to Draft Development Consent Order
  • Land Rights Tracker

2 July 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8)


Issue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8) on the Draft Development Consent Order and Environmental Matters

11 July 2024 - Deadline 5 (D5)


Deadline 5 (D5) For receipt by the Examining Authority of:

  • Post-Hearing submissions including written submissions of oral case as requested by Examining Authority (if the Hearings are held)
  • Comments on responses to the Examining Authority’s Second Written Questions (WQ2) (if issued)
  • Comments on any other information and submissions received at Deadline 4
  • Any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules

Updates from the Applicant:

  • Guide to the Application
  • Statements of Common Ground
  • Statement of Commonality
  • Draft Development Consent Order including consolidated tracked changed version
  • Explanatory Memorandum
  • Schedule of Changes to Draft Development Consent Order
  • Land Rights Tracker

17 July 2024 - Publication by the Examining Authority of


Publication by the Examining Authority of:

  • The Report on Implications for European Sites and any associated questions (if required)
  • Third Written Questions (if required)
  • The ExA’s proposed schedule of changes to the draft Development Consent Order (if required)