Back to list Immingham Green Energy Terminal

Representation by The davey family (The davey family)

Date submitted
2 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We wish to object for the proposals of the green energy project Immingham docks. Living close by, we have strong opinions about local development applications, made. Due to the sheer proximity of this place. 1. The plans to build this terminal, close by will increase traffic in the area. The M180 & A180 already are busy highways. With traffic from A1 & M1 feeding onward. We are concerned about the increased traffic our home area. 2. Noise and increased pollution short and long term from the construction area. Including the future site, have not been addressed. This will increase. Substantially and increase the levels of pollution from the existing business. 3. Noise levels once a working terminal, and insufficient insulation will not reduce this level. 3. The current agreement by the Secretary of State, has not sufficiently taken on local views from residents of the immingham region. 4. It appears that a rush to development of the green agenda. Without the science to back up climate change. The rush of the WEF to sell to our elected representatives, which champions green causes in the name of science. Which really does not exist. Which the Secretary of State for transport has completely over looked. We has a family has that the Secretary of State reconsiders there original decision, regarding this matter. 4. The disruption to local roads and its increased traffic. Our home will be affected by this, immediately. Longer term in the future. With journey time, increased. 5. Concerns about the property values and how this will affect our home. Especially during the building stage. 6. Local services like schools and GP services are already stretched. This will affect these services too. 7. The local hospital is already struggling for capacity. Even unable to carry out emergency medical care & treatment immediately. A member of our own family recently experienced this. 8. The noise from building, will impact on our lives. 9. Current transport services are limited. A train station is nearly 3 miles away. Bus services are even further limited. Bus’s have to be booked for journeys to the local station. How are working staff meant to travel here. 9. We do not believe this is the right development for the area. The development were never mentioned in our searches. 10. We object to this 2nd stage and ask the Secretary of State to reconsider his decision. We live close by. This development will cause a number of issues. 1. The proposed noise from the construction. Including noise once in use. Additional traffic in Immingham area. 2. The admission of the substance being stored. The plans do not mentioned where these admissions will go? 3. Once in operation, it appears that the the development will have quite high noise levels. 5. The Secretary of State, have overlooked local opinion. Further discussion need to take place, about the suitability of this project. 6. This directly will impact on our daily lives. 5. Local infrastructures, including local transport systems are at best limited & poor. The rail lines have been disused for many years. A local bus services are very limited. If you create 1600 new jobs. Other areas will be impacted. Including house, schools and GP services. The local hospital is some distance away.The nearest train station is over 3 miles away. How will this impact on local residents, including ourselves. We suspect that our local services will be severely impacted and reduced. While local plans are being considered for expanding the local hospitals services. The Secretary of State for transport failed to consider this important points. 6.. local traffic will be seriously impacted by this development. With local road users being delayed, with our journey being impacted or reduced. What would happen, if a serious accident took place on the M180 or A180. Impacts to local traffic are not being addressed or discussed. 7. Omissions will impact our local health. Creating many different issues with the residents health. The green adjective are continuing used. There is no scientific values to this statement and the counter argument given. At best suggestion of a climate emergency are complete nonsense. 8. During our house purchase in 2020 failed to appear in our solicitor search. 9. During the Second World War, a number bombs were dropped on the area. Like other area’s of UK. Experience these object being uncovered during construction works. Happen frequently and cause local issues. How would that be dealt with, if uncovered. 10. The impact to our lives during construction & once in full use. Have failed to be passed to our local community. So that further discussion can be addressed, locally. 11. Our new home will be impacted during construction and after when in use. We want to live in a safe environment and we believe will have adverse impacts on our lives. 12. The local environment and other animals which do not have a voice. Will be impacted. The green areas are well used be residential use. This has not been addressed by the Secretary of State. Who gave permission for the second planning state. We object to this project and would like our registered our formal comments added to the application.