Representation by North Lincolnshire Council (North Lincolnshire Council)
- Date submitted
- 4 December 2023
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
The proposed development lies outside of the administrative boundaries of North Lincolnshire Council (NLC). NLC do not wish to raise any objections to the proposal and do not anticipate playing an active role in the examination. Given the location of the development there is unlikely to be any significant adverse amenity impacts upon sensitive receptors within North Lincolnshire. The majority of HGV movements should occur on National Highways and North East Lincolnshire Council's highway networks. As such the predicted increase in vehicle movements will not significantly impact North Lincolnshire's local highway network. NLC is satisfied that there will be no direct or indirect impacts on any heritage assets within North Lincolnshire. The applicant has identified that the project could affect the following European Sites: - Humber Estuary SAC - Humber Estuary SPA - Humber Estuary Ramsar Site - Greater Wash SPA Given the location of the offshore and onshore works, NLC would expect the lead competent authorities to be the Secretary of State, Natural England, the Marine Management Organisation and North East Lincolnshire Council. We would also expect them to lead on protected and priority species. Again, given the location of the site, the proposal does not link to or affect surface water drainage infrastructure within North Lincolnshire.