
Portishead Branch Line - MetroWest Phase 1

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 129 representations, newest first.

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  • Helen Sherborne

    I am concerned that toads, frogs and newts, were not fully considered in the environmental survey. I would like to be assured that they will be able to continue their migration over the Breeches,... Read more

  • Hollye Kirkcaldy

    - reinstatement of the train line from Portishead through Pill and on to Bristol is vital to alleviate some of the major traffic congestion on the A369 currently. - consideration must be made to... Read more

  • Ian Davey

    I'm concerned about the impacts on wildlife at lodway farm

  • Ian MCdade

    I wish to offer my support for the Railway project with ideas that may help.

  • Janet Epplestone

    This is an important development for the village and community as a whole and will affect all of us in many ways. I am very much in favour.

  • Jill Coleman

    I am concerned for local wildlife along the tracks in Easton-in-Gordano and Pill especially the toads. Metrowest have put in mitigation measures for wildlife in a number of locations but not the... Read more

  • John Norval

    Commuter parking in Ham Green and Pill Adding Ham Green Halt as a stop Reserved seating for Pill residents who commute Effect on cycle path along river Are the trains going to be big enough to cope... Read more

  • Josh Arnold

    Benefits to Pill itself as trains will be full by the time they make it to the village.

  • Judy Copeland

    Please consider the welfare of the hundreds of Toads which annually in Feb and March cross the Cycle Path leading from Pill to the Avon Bridge to get to their breeding ponds. Any development over this... Read more

  • Julia Davis

    Train is vital for Pill which has an ageing population and has recently had its bus service slashed by up to 50% off peak. The A369 is congested as is junction 19 of the M5 so it is uncomfortable for... Read more

  • Julian Eley

    Infrastructure, services, Supporting bus services, car parking, access, Pill stop, time table.

  • Julie Grindal

    I am very concerned about what will happen to the toads if the proposal for concreting over 22 acres of Lodway Farm fields takes place. I also understand that the HGV's will access Pill but the cycle... Read more

  • Julie Harris

    I am concerned about the building on land at Lodway Farm and the adjoining cycle path which follows the bank of the river - and the impact this will have on the toad population in that area. Currently... Read more

  • Keith Smallwood

    As a resident of a road very near to the propsed station, my prime interest is around parking measures both during and after completion as this is already a very narrow and vastly over populated... Read more

  • Kirsty Andres

    We live opposite the proposed car park in Pill. We have (redacted) and have an allocated disabled bay outside our house for (redacted) wheelchair accessible vehicle. We have recently had a platform... Read more

  • Lesley Davey

    I wish to talk or write about traffic problems, noise and light pollution. (Redacted)

  • Linda O'Hara

    Our property is only meters from the railway line and will directly affect us with regards to noise, parking, privacy amongst others. I have attempted to discuss issues with the agent but to date have... Read more

  • Liz Beacon

    As a local resident I support the development of the railway

  • Liz Hill

    As a local resident I am generally supportive of the opening of the Portishead branch line, with a station at Pill, as it will improve transport links. My concerns are around the impact of the works... Read more

  • Mandy Trotham

    I am a person of interest due to living in close proximity of the railway line. (Redacted) near the proposed station.

  • Mark Roper

    I would like to register my support for this application. While I realise there will be some disruption throughout the village, I believe the benefits of reopening this railway line are huge and... Read more

  • Martin Smart

    Our property is only meters from the railway line and will directly affect us with regards to noise, parking, privacy amongst others. I have attempted to discuss issues with the agent but to date have... Read more

  • Matt Brierley

    Your work will disrupt the annual inward and outward migration of hundreds of amphibians. You must therefore undertake mitigation measures allowing the toads and newts to continue their migration over... Read more

  • Miss Sian Jones

    I request that all plans be made public and that ALL those affected by noise, light, mess and traffic issues be contacted for their views. Notification of the planned compound at Lodway Farm was not... Read more

  • Monica Ovel

    My concerns are about the movement of HGVs through the village of Easton-in-Gordano and Pill, where there are several areas with no pavements. I take children to school, and dog walk and traffic is... Read more

  • Mr Trevor Cook

    Recently with two friends and join a group along the cycle path rescuing toads and putting them on the safe side. It became obvious from the 50 toads that the group collected that this is a major site... Read more

  • North Somerset Council (North Somerset Council)

    The Council fully supports the proposal to re-open the rail line between Portishead and Bristol and believes it will reduce traffic movements with attendant carbon reduction and air quality benefits... Read more

  • Phil Loomes

    My view is that the train line would be a great additional to the village of Pill and the wider area as will allow people to travel into Bristol via public transport and get cars off the road.

  • Poppy Coley

    I fully support the Portishead branchline project and appreciate that any infrastructure project of its type will have impacts on the communities which will ultimately receive the benefit. I believe... Read more

  • Portishead Town Council (Portishead Town Council)

    1. Areas of agreement 1.1. We support the plan to re-open the railway to improve the connectivity of Portishead and the associated economic, environmental and accessibility benefits that it will... Read more

  • Public Health England (Public Health England )

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. Public Health England (PHE) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project and can confirm that:... Read more

  • Ross Adamson

    I have serious concerns for the effects that Lodway construction compound will have on the wild animals in and around this green corridor. There are many large mammals which use this area and also... Read more

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail Group Limited (Royal Mail Group Limited)

    Under section 35 of the Postal Services Act 2011 (the “Act”), Royal Mail has been designated by Ofcom as a provider of the Universal Postal Service. Royal Mail is the only such provider in the United... Read more

  • Severnside Community Rail Partnership cic (Severnside Community Rail Partnership cic)

    Representation from the Severnside Community Rail Partnership cic- a Department for Transport Accredited Community Rail Partnership. Established in 2006 as Community Interest (not for profit) Company,... Read more

  • South Gloucestershire Council (South Gloucestershire Council )

    These representations are made by South Gloucestershire Council as an ‘adjacent’ planning authority, and are entirely separate to this Council’s West of England role as project promoter. This is a... Read more

  • Thomas Weidner

    I'm concerned about the affected wildlife (lodway farm), in particular the toad population.

  • Tracy Walker

    I fully support this plan. I live right next to the train line, have done all my life. Would like to make it known I am in support of this.

  • Vicki Merrin

    I am in full support of the railway returning to our village of Pill and believe it will only create positive change to the residents of the area. Less traffic on the roads can only be a good thing, I... Read more

  • William Wright

    I frequently have to travel to Bristol city center or Portishead by road, fortunately I can take my travel outside of busy ("rush") hours however, no matter what time I select the A369 always has some... Read more

  • Woodland Trust (Woodland Trust)

    The Trust holds significant concerns with regards to the impact that this scheme is proposing to have on areas of ancient woodland that are part of the Avon Gorge SAC/SSSI. The ancient woods within... Read more

  • Zac Coley

    I fully support the Portishead branchline project and appreciate that any infrastructure project of its type will have impacts on the communities which will ultimately receive the benefit. the long... Read more

  • Alex Milton

    Metrowest have put in mitigation measures for wildlife in a number of locations but not as far as I can see in the proposed depot (they propose concreting over the 22 acres of Lodway Farm fields and... Read more

  • Anna McClumpha

    As a local resident and someone that lives next to the railway line I have a vested interest in ensuring the planning is suitable for the local area. This includes the provision of a permit parking... Read more

  • Avon & Somerset Constabulary (Avon & Somerset Constabulary)

    Thank you for the details for the propose Portishead Branch Line (MetroWest Phase 1) Order. Below is the response from the Traffic Management Unit of the Avon & Somerset Constabulary. Unfortunately,... Read more

  • Osborne Clarke LLP (Osborne Clarke LLP) on behalf of Babcock Integrated Technology Limited (Babcock Integrated Technology Limited)

    Application by North Somerset District Council for an Order Granting Development Consent for Portishead Branch Line – MetroWest Phase 1 ("the DCO") MetroWest Phase 1 ("the Project") North Somerset... Read more

  • Charles Exley

    My objection concerns Access AW5.2 to Lodway Farm Depot. The AW5.1 Access is totally unsuitable for anything other than cars , The access through the village and down Trinder Road is completely... Read more

  • Crockerne C of E School (Crockerne C of E School)

    Concerns that increased traffic movements and people will have potential for adverse safety effect on pupils commuting to and from school

  • Debbie O'Grady

    Portishead Branch line DCO scheme environmental statement, volume 2. Chapter 4. Description of the proposed works. Pages 4-18 to 4-21. Construction of the railway Works Numbers 1 and 1A 3 Options are... Read more

  • Dr John du Heaume

    Concern that due consideration is given to the migration and breeding of amphibians in the vicinity of Lodway farm and the ponds adjoining the railway nearby, these are an important breeding site for... Read more

  • Elizabeth Moore

    I am very concerned about the harm that will be done to the toad population by the proposed work at Lodway Farm, Pill