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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Cyngor i Anthony Marsh

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Anthony Marsh
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
6 Ebrill 2018
Math o ymholiad

I wish to be enlisted as an interested party in this proposal by Ashfield Land Ltd and Gazeley GLP. Will you be able to notify me when you are ready?

I can certainly provide a summary of less than 500 words as my particular interest happens to be quite narrow. I am preparing a detailed deposition which amounts to an objection in total of the proposal. It will be rather numerical in nature and needs to include Tabulated Data in a few Tables embedded in a text of 2000 to 2500 words (5 or 6 A4 pages in PDF format). I trust that the deposition can readily be assessed by people who have a degree in engineering, in fairness to my analysis, which is technical. Do you foresee any problems with what I plan. Due to travel problems I will have to let the deposition speak for itself - I will not be able to attend any formal proceedings.

Cyngor a roddwyd

This proposed development is currently in the Pre-Application stage of the planning process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs). At this stage, the developer will be preparing their application documents for submission, as well as consulting with the local community on their proposals. We would advise you to contact the Applicant directly with your views in order for them to take this into consideration prior to their application documents being finalised for submission, below is the Applicants contact details:

Telephone: 0845 543 8967 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm (calls are charged at local rates) Post: FREEPOST Rail Central Website:

Once the application has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (the Inspectorate), we have a statutory 28 day period (known as Acceptance stage) to determine whether to Accept the application for Examination. At the Acceptance stage the Inspectorate will undertake the s55 Acceptance (‘Checklist’) to determine whether the Applicant has complied with the statutory consultation duties and other statutory duties during their pre-application stage. If the application for development consent for this project is formally accepted by the Secretary of State there will be a period where individuals and organisations can register as Interested Parties (IPs) by submitting a Relevant Representation form via the project page of our website (or requesting hard copies thereof) to express your views in relation to the project which will be considered by the Examining Authority (ExA) during the examination. If the application is accepted you will receive a notification letter (s56 notification) via the Applicant, confirming the opening and closing date of the Relevant Representation period to register as an IP.

At this stage as per your correspondence, you are correct that a summary outline of your concern/objection should be registered via the submission of a Relevant Representation form, which should contain approximately 500 words.

We would recommend that you visit our project page for Rail Central SRFI as you could sign up for email updates to be kept informed on project progress, once the application is formally submitted.

Upon closure of the Relevant Representation period, the appointed ExA will invite all IPs to the Preliminary Meeting via a Rule 6 letter. We note in your correspondence that you may be unable to attend future hearings for this event, however as the process is intended to be predominantly a written process, we would encourage you upon receipt of the Rule 6 letter to review the Examination timetable, which will detail deadline submission dates (including date by which Written Representation should be received), reserved dates for Issue Specific Hearings, Compulsory Acquisition Hearings, Open Floor Hearings etc. of which of particular interest to you, would be the date by which Written Representations should be received (as depicted in the Exam Timetable), this would be the date by which your detailed objections should be submitted into the examination. This submission could include tabulated data, images, tables etc to further elaborate on your initial objection made within your relevant representation.

We would however remind you that during the Examination, the appointed ExA may invite you to hearings reserved in the Examination to seek clarification on submissions submitted or seek further clarification from you in writing regarding any submission you may make. At any point during the Examination other IPs, including the Applicant may make comments to your Relevant Representation and/or Written Representation and therefore we would encourage you where possible to have an active involvement in the Examination, should further responses/clarification be needed.

The Inspectorate has published a series of advice notes on the National Infrastructure planning website which explain the examination process, including information on how to get involved and we would recommend you review the advice notes listed below: Advice Note 8: Overview of the nationally significant infrastructure process for members of the public and others; Advice Note 8.1: Responding to the developer’s pre-application consultation; and Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

Our full suite of advice and legislation relating to NSIPs can be found on our website or you can review our FAQ page, which provides further information on the NSIP process.