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Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Works Plans [Sheet 7 of 8]
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Aston Firs Technical Note [Appendix 4 (C) – Noise Modelling]
(PDF, 965KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 15 - Cross in Hand Road Safety Audit Stage 1
(PDF, 670KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 11.5 Schedule of Landscape and Visual Construction Effects (Clean)
(PDF, 507KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Response Report Sapcote Enhanced Scheme (LCC)
(PDF, 900KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 11.2 Public Rights of Way Appraisal and Strategy (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 9 - Village Example Highways Mitigations Cost Plan
(PDF, 165KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
3.3B Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 DCO Validation Report
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
2.3A Hinckley NRFI Appendix 17 - Access and Rights of Way [Sheet 1 of 4]
(PDF, 623KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 3 - Narborough Level Crossing Report
(PDF, 776KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Sapcote Technical Note [Appendix 2 (B) – Additional information Provided to Auditor and Auditor Response]
(PDF, 828KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Sapcote Technical Note [Appendix 2 (C) – Details of Enhanced Scheme]
(PDF, 3MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
17.4F Hinckley NRFI Appendix 8 - HGV Route Management Plan and Strategy (Tracked)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 11.20 Illustrative Landscape Strategy
(PDF, 25MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 11.23 Photomontages from Astons Firs Gypsy and Travellers Site
(PDF, 18MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Mitigation Visibility Drawing
(PDF, 396KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 1 M1 Junction 21-M69 Junction 3
(PDF, 3MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Applicant's Response to the Secretary of State’s Letter dated 10 September 2024
(PDF, 588KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 10 - Applicant's Response to Deadline 8 submissions made by Dr Moore and Mr Moore
(PDF, 238KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
2.3D Hinckley NRFI Appendix 17 - Access and Rights of Way [Sheet 4 of 4]
(PDF, 555KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
6.4.3 Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.17 Long-term Noise Difference Contours
(PDF, 851KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Cost Plan Commentary on Changes
(PDF, 213KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 6 - ES Appendix 8.1 Transport Assessment [part 15 of 20] Sustainable Transport Strategy and Plan (Appendices) (Tracked)
(PDF, 24MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 12 - M69 J2 Modelling Note
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
3.4D Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 Schedule of changes made to the draft Development Consent Order - December 2024
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Highway Plans [Sheet 7 of 8]
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 11.14 Public Rights of Way and Informal Open Space Strategy
(PDF, 4MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 11.6 Schedule of Landscape and Visual Operational Effects (Clean)
(PDF, 655KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
9.4 Hinckley NRFI Appendix 19 DCO Obligation S106 Unilateral Undertaking 10 December 2024
(PDF, 45MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.13A Long-term Development Generated Road Traffic Assessment with Mitigation
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 3.1 - Illustrative Masterplan (document reference
(PDF, 9MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 7 (C) Planning officers report 12/00295/OUT
(PDF, 459KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
3.1E Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 - draft Development Consent Order [Applicant's version] (Clean)
(PDF, 952KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Schedule of subsoil owners for enhanced works outside Order Limits and associated plane Enhanced Scheme Land Ownership Outside Order Limits
(PDF, 209KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 7 - Evaluation of the Viability of Providing a New Passenger Station to Serve the Proposed Development and Local Community Travel Needs
(PDF, 594KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet - Cross in Hand Modelling Note
(PDF, 7MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Acoustic Fence Repositioning Rev C (Masterplan Inset)
(PDF, 842KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 8 - HGV Route Management Plan and Strategy (Appendices) (Tracked)
(PDF, 18MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Design and Access Statement
(PDF, 22MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Aston Firs Technical Note [Appendix 4 (D) Road Restraint Risk Assessment Process (RRRAP)
(PDF, 407KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
6.4.2 Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Chapter 9 Air Quality Addendum
(PDF, 421KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 11 - Redacted Option Agreement with owner of Plot 73
(PDF, 6MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
3.1E Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 - draft Development Consent Order [Applicant's version] (Tracked)
(PDF, 964KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Sapcote Enhanced Option s278 Works
(PDF, 351KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Sapcote NMU survey
(PDF, 15MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 6 - ES Appendix 8.1 Transport Assessment [part 15 of 20] Sustainable Transport Strategy and Plan (Appendices)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 6 - ES Appendix 8.2 Site Wide Framework Travel Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 11.24 Illustrative Sections through Aston Firs Boundary
(PDF, 12MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 11 - Plan 2 to Option Agreement
(PDF, 765KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Mitigation Swept Paths
(PDF, 639KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
6.4.3 Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.16 Short-term Noise Difference Contours
(PDF, 885KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Aston Firs Technical Note
(PDF, 250KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 11.23 Photomontages from Astons Firs Gypsy and Travellers Site (Low Resolution)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 7.2 Equalities Impact Assessment Statement addendum
(PDF, 344KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 11.5 Schedule of Landscape and Visual Construction Effects (Tracked)
(PDF, 512KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
3.2D Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 - DCO Explanatory Memorandum
(PDF, 5MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 11.6 Schedule of Landscape and Visual Operational Effects (Tracked)
(PDF, 661KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Aston Firs Technical Note [Appendix 4 (E) Road Safety Audit 1 (RSA1)]
(PDF, 3MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
3.2D Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 - DCO Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
13.1 Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Design Code (Tracked)
(PDF, 14MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.15A Operational Noise Contours
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Appendix 11.2 Public Rights of Way Appraisal and Strategy (Tracked)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 3.2 Parameters Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
13.1E Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Design Code
(PDF, 14MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Plan No: 2.8 Rev D
(PDF, 9MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 12 - M69 J2 Road Safety Audit Stage 1 Response Report
(PDF, 261KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Sapcote Technical Note [Appendix 2 (A) – Sapcote Proposals put Forward at DCO Stage]
(PDF, 6MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 2 - Sapcote Technical Note
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 7 (A) Planning officers report 21/01511/OUT
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Design and Access Statement (Tracked)
(PDF, 22MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
17.4F Hinckley NRFI Appendix 8 - HGV Route Management Plan and Strategy (Appendices)
(PDF, 18MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.14A Long-term Development Generated Road Traffic Assessment Difference Contours
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 16 - M69 J1 Modelling Note
(PDF, 372KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
2.3B Hinckley NRFI Appendix 17 - Access and Rights of Way [Sheet 2 of 4]
(PDF, 510KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.10A Acoustic Barrier Locations
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 6 - ES Appendix 8.1 Transport Assessment [part 15 of 20] Sustainable Transport Strategy and Plan (Tracked)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Mitigation Details of Works Required
(PDF, 414KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 12 - M69 J2 Road Safety Audit Stage 1
(PDF, 3MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 4 - Highway Plans [Sheet 4 of 8]
(PDF, 718KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.11A Short-term Development Generated Road Traffic Assessment with Mitigation
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Chapter 10 Noise and Vibration Addendum
(PDF, 446KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Aston Firs Technical Note [Appendix 4 (B) – Acoustic Gabion Wall Option]
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Plan No: 2.9 Rev D
(PDF, 9MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 6 - ES Appendix 8.1 Transport Assessment [part 15 of 20] Sustainable Transport Strategy and Plan
(PDF, 5MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Aston Firs Technical Note [Appendix 4 (F) Aston Firs Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer and Residents Response]
(PDF, 463KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Aston Firs Technical Note [Appendix 4 (A) – Acoustic Fence Option]
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Mitigation Road Safety Audit Stage 1
(PDF, 250KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Revised Gibbet Hill Cost Plan
(PDF, 55KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Mitigation Road Safety Audit Stage 1 Response Report
(PDF, 260KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Plan No: 2.12 B Rev C
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 7 (B) Planning officers report 23/00330/OUT
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
19.7C Hinckley NRFI SoCG between the Applicant and National Highways (FINAL) (Signed)
(PDF, 740KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 14 - Gibbet Hill Mitigation General Arrangement
(PDF, 404KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 8 - HGV Route Management Plan and Strategy
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
(PDF, 805KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 5 - ES Figure 10.12A Short-term Development Generated Road Traffic Assessment Difference Contours
(PDF, 828KB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Sapcote Technical Note [Appendix 2 (D) – Enhanced Scheme Stage 1 RSA and Designers Response Report]
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
- Hinckley NRFI Appendix 6 - ES Appendix 8.2 Site Wide Framework Travel Plan (Tracked)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Appendix 18 Applicant's Mark Up of the ExA's rDCO
(PDF, 1MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited
Hinckley NRFI Sapcote Technical Note [Appendix 2 (F) – Sapcote Enhanced Option Air Quality Technical Note]
(PDF, 2MB)
From Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited