Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Alan David Hemsley

Date submitted
10 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I STRONGLY object to this development as it majorly impacts on the countryside around Burbage area, which is already subjected to massive house building and destruction of our local environment through the passing by Government Ministers of refused planning applications by the local authorities ! Also there are already two major rail freight sites within a 20/30 mile radius of this proposal deeming this application as unnecessary in the extreme. The company proposing this site have submitted incorrect and unresearched impacts on the local infrastructure on several occasions too, showing the inadequacy they have put into their application! In short this application will destroy valuable countryside used by local people, increase pollution inclusive of 100s of traffic movements on a daily basis in a locality where the required infrastructure does not exist to cope with it !