Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Ian Sinclair

Date submitted
10 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Strongly object to the building of this unnecessary project. 1 - It is not needed! There are other rail freight hubs within a reasonable radius, and these are already not fully utilised. Why not fully utilise existing hubs to 100% before building another one.? 2- The rail /road crossing at nearby Narborough village already sees major queues when the barriers are down. To have the proposed number of trains on this line daily will cause major delays around the village and road network, which is not built or suitable for that amount of daily traffic on the line, and only has one main through road, which crosses the rail line. 3- The surrounding villages, particularly Burbage will be majorly affected, with increased traffic and queuing , particularly when heading towards Hinckley town. There is only one main access road from the proposed site into Hinckley, which already suffers long taiil backs at peak hours. Regardless of plans to open Junction 2 of the M69 in both directions, traffic/employees/lorry numbers will still increase on these roads, which cannot cope already. 4- The other surrounding villages of Elmesthorpe, Sapcote and Stoney Stanton, will all see an increase in traffic movements, which they cannot readily support with the existing road networks. 5 - Environmental concerns - We are told that by reducing lorries on the road, we will cut pollution. As mentioned then, how about fully utilising the other existing rail freight hubs that are no where near operating at full capacity. Taking lorries off the road is great in principal, but by building this, pollution levels in the area will see a massive increase due to all of the extra cars and lorries now being brought into the area unnecessarily. 6 - Noise pollution - No matter the reassurances, having an operation like this on the doorstep of the surrounding villages, will drastically increase noise pollution, not only for residents, but also wildlife. 7 - Destruction of acres of countryside and woodland - Again, we claim to care about the environment and protecting the green spaces for people and wildlife, and also the fact it contributes to our environment and the air we breathe - Why then plan to destroy it to build a site not needed - Simple answer is, this is about money really! 8 - Peoples mental health - Do you really want a construction of this magnitude on the doorstep of these villages, when it isn't of vital national importance? Will have a massive negative effect on people's mental health, with the by products of noise, traffic, extra pollution, the loss of countryside, and having THAT to look at as a view instead. 9 - The opening of Junction 2 of M69 in both directions. As mentioned previously, the surrounding villages are already saturated with traffic, particularly at peak hours. This will only lead to more traffic flowing into and through these roads, and again more pollution to the area. It will not only cater for the proposed hub, but also open the villages up to extra traffic travelling through them to get elsewhere, as a by product. 10 - Roads in the area are already suffering with potholes due to volume of traffic. More traffic, particularly HGV will only increase the wear on the roads in the area. 11 - Listen to the people who live in the villages that will be affected. The majority of people do not want this here, and everyone I've spoken to has already said, that any government that allows this to go ahead, will lose their votes at election permanently.