Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Sarah Attride

Date submitted
10 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose the proposals on the grounds of: *Increased traffic through the village *No consideration having been properly given to that increased traffic, narrow roads, tight bends, residential parking. No consideration given to the event where HGVs do not follow suggested motorway routes and instead choose to take quicker, more convenient, routes through the village *Lack of weight limits preventing HGVs from coming through a very small village *Noise *Crime *Lack of clarity and open-ness regarding compulsory purchase order of residential properties *Lack of amenities to support such local growth *Lack of clear reasoning behind the need for such a huge development when there are other similar developments locally with empty space. Furthermore, we understand that the justification for this proposal has changed since the original consultations - suggesting that there is no real need for such a development and the developer is following a "hit and hope" strategy.