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Representation by Earl Shilton Neighbourhood Watch (Earl Shilton Neighbourhood Watch)

Date submitted
11 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Severely impact on, and destroy, Burbage Common: an area of natural beauty, full of wildlife and natural habitats, widely used by members of the public from local, and wider, area. Local road infrastructures not adequate to cope with increased traffic from workers etc going to and from site. Roads already a nightmare at busy times. Getting to and from work means you have to leave very early to avoid current traffic queues, and that's before we get large numbers of additional workers travelling into/out of our area. . Already problems with A5 not being fit for current purpose. A Link road from M69 will not solve this issue, as workers will not all come from areas where M69 can be joined or want to use it. How do Lorries and workers get to site from the end of M69 Link road? Have to use current road system which is currently struggling to cope, so will fail, which will impact on residents even more. Large Container Lorries will impact severely on our local roads, even if its only a short section from Leicester Road/M69 Link Road junction and the proposed site. It's already a nightmare at certain times of the day. The road wasn't built to have continuous, 24 hour, heavy lorries using it. Impact of noise from site, despite concrete barriers being erected, will be massive. The 24 hour noise of containers being moved and unloaded/loaded, and the noise of huge lorries moving around with engine noise, refueling noise, voices etc, as well as moving on and off the site, causing huge air and noise pollution, and disruption, for both residents and the area. There will also be vehicles delivering services to the accommodation block/s, i.e. food, clerical, food preparation, cleaning and laundry staff etc. As well as fuel deliveries for refuelling lorries. Putting cycle paths through site? Who will want to ride their bike through such a site with its pollution and noise levels? Green spaces planned are insignificant and are merely a token, not worth the paper they are drawn on. Need to be much higher proportion of green space on site, but nothing will mitigate the obliteration of our green fields, hedges, trees and wildlife and the damage to Burbage Common. The impact on the local area will be devastating, not just environmentally, but also for residents who have chosen to live in the local area because of its beautiful countryside and small town/village location, These will no longer be reasons to move to this area. Who will want to move here in the future, unless they work at the proposed site?