Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Paul kenney

Date submitted
11 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose this project both on a community level and a personal one. The increased volume of traffic on the road system will be far too much for the already overwhelmed infrastructure due to numerous industrial estates and warehouses estates already around Hinckley. The pollution to the area will significantly increase and as I live next to the train station I already can’t open my windows due to [Redacted]. the massive cargo trains and excess traffic will only add to the pollution. I am also [Redacted] and have trouble with the vibration and noise of the current trains that affect my [Redacted] and sleep quality. The cargo trains will be heavier and longer increasing my issues significantly. I live in local authority housing and have been bidding to move away from the tracks for years without having any success. My [Redacted] has not been improved by the constant worry this massive infrastructure project will bring locally. You will already have many people opposing the site on environmental tolls to the local wildlife so thought a noted opposition on a personal level would highlight the problems often overlooked and I can assure you I’m not alone there are many worried about the [Redacted] this project will cause here in Hinckley.