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Representation by Ferriman and Berry (Ferriman and Berry)

Date submitted
18 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We completely disagree with the proposals put forward by Tritax Symmetry to build a National Freight Interchange and warehousing on land just outside Hinckley. We attended two of the Tritax public consultations last year and both were a shambles. The spaces to view the exhibition were too small and crowded so it was difficult to see the exhibits clearly or speak to many of the Tritax representatives. The one or two we did manage to speak to could not answer some searching questions in any great detail simply because they did not live in or know the area. We were so dismayed by the whole experience that a letter of complaint was sent to our local MP Dr Luke Evans. A recent Tritax Symmetry Community Newsletter outlines the key points raised at the consultation but fails to address an issue of the utmost importance (that has been raised time and time again) and that is of the impact and increase in traffic in the local area both during the construction phase and then the operational stage. In fact Tritax make little reference in the newsletter to how the key issues raised by the public at the consultations will inform their changes – there seems to be little correlation! They address the minor ‘easy’ changes they can make eg slightly moving the redlines, a small increase in a buffer zone, a footbridge etc but what about the traffic control, air quality, climate impact, alternative locations such as Magna Park, DIRFT or East Midlands Gateway? The mitigations that Tritax have put forward in their official reports lack sufficient detail and transparency for a lay person or local resident to fully understand and appreciate the full implications of what they are proposing. The reports are complex and confusing for us, local residents. We live within a mile of the proposed development and along a main road into Hinckley from the M69. We are particularly concerned by the likely increase in traffic within the local area during both the construction phase and afterwards in the operational phase. The road we live on is already a busy road, especially at peak times, with traffic coming from the M69 direction regularly queuing up to get into Hinckley. If the M69 Junction 2 is to have new slip roads built there will be a huge increase in traffic, despite the proposed link road which will not be adequate to cope either at the northern end. At present whenever there is a problem eg RTA on the A5, M69, even as far as the M6, traffic diverts through the smaller villages (such as Burbage) causing heavy traffic to crawl along the small village roads (which are mostly single lane due residents parking their cars on the kerb side) or come to a standstill. The development will also see more traffic on the M69 so the problems will only get worse and village life will become very stressful. Junction 3 of the M69 is already a congested area at peak times, often with traffic queuing back for miles in the build up to the afternoon peak. For over 30 years we travelled to and from work in Leicester along the M69; over time the traffic has greatly increased, with a bottle-neck often at Junction 3 with the M1. The three lane section at the end of the M69 narrows to two lanes before a slip road leading onto the M1 and then a busy major roundabout which limits the flow of traffic off the M69. This junction is now already inadequate to cope with the traffic going eastbound at busy times and the poor situation will only worsen with the increase in traffic along the M69 as a result of the proposed development. We are deeply concerned by the potential increase in traffic in the local area, the resultant pollution and impact on air quality caused by the above traffic issues. We have many more concerns which we will address at a later stage if we are allowed to do so. One of us has lived in this area for 50+ years and so know it well. We do not see how this development will benefit the area whatsoever. We see it as an excuse to erect more gigantic and ugly warehouses. It is a monstrous idea, and will be a major scar on our green and beautiful land; the only people who we see will benefit from this project will be the developers and their financial investors. The chaos we see coming, if this project is permitted to go ahead, will bring misery and stress to the lives of many many local residents. We therefore strongly object to this proposed project in it’s entirety.