Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Sheila Elizabeth Ferriman

Date submitted
19 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the Tritax Symmetry project to build a Rail Freight Interchange at Hinckley. I wrote to the Secretary of State Department (Transport) March 14th 2022 expressing my deep concerns at the HNRFI project. The letter was referred to yourselves and I received an update so thank you for that. I attended the Public Consultation held in Burbage, I queued outside for over an hour and once inside there was no seating available for the frail and elderly. The Tritax representatives were based in a small cramped room and, as I said in my previous letter, their answers to my queries re pollution problems affecting humans and wild-life were nebulous and lacking in depth of knowledge. I wonder what they’re really up to!!! Recent reports from Tritax Symmetry do nothing to allay my fears that if the project goes ahead we are heading for an ecological DISASTER! The proposed HNRFI site borders our local green area – Burbage Common Nature Reserve and Burbage Woods. Residents from Hinckley, Burbage, Sapcote, Sharnford and several other surrounding villages visit this area. Children can run and play on the Common, dog walkers love it, walkers and nature lovers enjoy the Woods. The whole area is a peaceful haven for so many (especially during times of stress eg as in the pandemic lock down). The bird-life in the Woods is varied and wonderful. NB: Wild-life experts warn bird population is in free-fall, some 70 of the UK’s 245 assessed birds are Red-Listed (meaning they are of highest conservation concern because of their severe decline eg song thrush, lesser spotted woodpecker, tawny owl, mistle thrush, are just a few threatened species that visit the local woods). Climate change doesn’t help BUT Tritax’s ghastly development plans will create noise, air and light pollution 24/7 – birds will suffer! The mitigations that Tritax suggest eg a buffer zone, high level screening, will be woefully inadequate. The construction phase will completely shatter/destroy this peaceful, green park. In addition, the HGV lorries going in and out of the site during the construction will create massive traffic problems, both locally in the Hinckley area and the M69 and A5 (try travelling from Coventry and Hinckley on the M69 during peak times to the M1 slip road at Junction 3 – nightmare tailbacks!). When the A5 or M69 have road work/ road accidents there are gridlocks through Burbage and Hinckley. I have personally witnessed a large articulated lorry attempt 3 manoeuvres in order to turn a bend on a minor road in an attempt to avoid the gridlock. The railway line passes through the town of Hinckley to/from the proposed site. Plans suggest there will be an extra 16 freight trains of 700 metres in length passing through every day. The Hinckley residents living close to the railway line will be exposed to even more noise and air pollution and added vibration. I know residents who live nearby the line who already experience vibration when smaller freight trains pass through and they are extremely anxious about the probable worsening situation. Considering the Secretary of State’s idea of ‘levelling up’ the Tritax Symmetry proposals make an utter mockery of providing green areas for people to enjoy. Do we really need another Rail Freight Interchange when there are others so close by that have already been built and, from what I understand, are under capacity? I am 92 years old, have lived in the area for 53 years, and although I may not see the project to its conclusion, I am passionately campaigning against the project so that future generations may be able to enjoy the Burbage Woods and Common as I have done all these years. It is up to you to protect our area for the future generations and to put a stop to this catastrophic proposal.