Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Monique Soutart

Date submitted
22 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Too much damage to the environment, local villages, peoples lives, wildlife - for something that is not needed as there are several other RFIs close to Hinckley and it has not been made clear why another one is needed here, especially as the focus appears to be on HGVs, and little on freight. People choose to live / relocate to smaller villages for a a certain life - less traffic, less light and traffic pollution, smaller amenities and communities, more nature, more woods and large fields for walking, but this development will negatively change the surrounding villages and peoples way of life. There is a huge amount of wildlife on and around Burbage common - this will destroy so much of their habitat. There has not been enough information provided on flooding risks. This will remove too much green land and trees and Burbage common will no longer be a a nice, relaxing or viable place to go walking with this huge infrastructure and traffic/noise pollution so near. The traffic caused by this will be driven through the surrounding villages and there has be no mitigation of this other than additions to the M69 junction - not everyone will be directed to the M69.