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Representation by Earl Shilton Town Council (Earl Shilton Town Council)

Date submitted
23 May 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: Your letter 40/EL01LEX_S42 dated 07 Jan 22. 1. Thank you for your recent letter referenced above. 2. The Full Council of Earl Shilton Town Council (ESTC) met on 10 Jan 22 and debated Council’s response to this latest consultation. 3. ESTC has, as you will expect, advertised, to residents, that the public consultation is open as a Town Council website news item and through social media. 4. The specific response from ESTC as a statutory Consultee is twofold as follows: a. ESTC stand wholeheartedly behind Leicestershire County Council (LCC) in their 23 Dec 21 written assertion, (copy attached), that Tritax Symmetry has comprehensively failed to prove their highways and rail freight models of traffic flows are accurate, sensitive, or sustainable. b. ESTC’s written position statement of 09 Dec 20, (copy attached), remain totally extant. Tritax Symmetry has not proven there is a short, medium or long-term sensitive and sustainable economic ‘pull demand’ for the services that the HNRFI seeks to provide. In short, the ‘golden triangle’ of warehousing already exists and with current permissions is still growing year on year noticeable even to the layperson’s eye. Freight ports of entry having for decades enjoyed the benefits of containerisation should now bear their fair share of the burden but, perhaps counterintuitively, organic expansion of such facilities will be an economic good for their communities. 5. For the avoidance of doubt ESTC objects to this development on the basis of long-term unproven need. Please re-submit the 09 Dec 20 ESTC written reasoned objection to this application for this latest consultation round. Yours faithfully, Mark Jackson (Copy to: ESTC Members under separate cover.) Mr ME Jackson, Town Clerk, Earl Shilton Town Council, redacted Data Protection Privacy Policy: General Data Protection Regulation 2018 – the information contained in this email is governed by statute law. If you misuse this information you may be subject to prosecution under the law. If you supply information of a personal and or sensitive nature you may wish to give explicit instructions as to the limitations of its further use or may be asked to give such permissions.