Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Louisa Sando-Patel

Date submitted
29 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live and work less than a mile away from Burbage Common and I can hear trains regularly, which means even at this distance the freight trains will be noticeable. The thousands of HGV movements will also be audible and will increase air pollution across the area. The B4669 road coming into Hinckley is already at critical levels during rush hour, adding HGVs to the current traffic levels would result in long queues backing onto the M69. As well as noise and air pollution, I am extremely concerned about the impact from light pollution on wildlife living in the ancient woodlands. This area is also an important sanctuary for thousands of people living across the area. I believe the destruction of nearby fields and the additional noise will ruin this beautiful location, negatively impacting the health and well-being of our local community. What’s more, Hinckley’s regeneration of recent years has boosted the local economy, attracting people to live within the town. Such a large development will impact the town’s appeal and could adversely affect local trade, especially if the roads become even more congested. People will choose to eat, drink and shop elsewhere. I suggest the government and developers find a brownfield site elsewhere.