Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Mrs Carmen Palmer

Date submitted
1 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I’m very concerned about the proposals to build a rail freight terminal in Hinckley. I live right next to the common and woods. If this were to go ahead the impacts on me and my family will be devastating. We moved here for the views, peace and quiet, quick access to the common and woods for walks and to experience the joy of the open countryside. If this proposal goes ahead our day to day living will be greatly impacted because we will no longer be able to enjoy what we do currently. There will be pollution both from light and noise, this affects wildlife (incidentally, the common and woods have magnificent dawn choruses in the spring) huge impact on already congested local roads with rail freight workers toing and froing every day. The argument about the benefits of increased employment isn’t valid because a) nationally there are more jobs than people to do them and b) this particularly the case in Hinckley. Lastly is the fact that DIRFT is only a few miles away. Hinckley is already boxed in by enormous warehouses and lorries thundering up and down the A5. If this terminal needs to be built , please put it with all the others off the A5 and leave Hinckley as the peaceful residential place that it is now.