Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by kathleen margaret gibson

Date submitted
10 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There is already massive warehousing built around the area, Lutterworth and outside Burbage being just two of them, also a rail freight yard just outside Daventry, (which is underused). Building a run on and off of the M69 will not stop HGV's from using the small villagers around this area, it will increase them, the M69 gets very busy at the best of times and HGV will find alternative routes, that means using the villages, the roads are small and often with sharp bends, the village of Stoney Stanton is a classic case for this, we have a Calor Gas company at one end of the village, the lorries find it difficult to turn at the cross roads, (already hit the house several times at the cross road) Hinkley Road is difficult to negotiate at the best of times with large container lorries making deliveries it will cause more chaos and accidents. The wildlife in this area will diminish and noise pollution, plus diesel and petrol pollution will spoil the country side that we mover here to enjoy.