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Representation by CPRE Leicestershire (CPRE Leicestershire)

Date submitted
12 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

HINCKLEY NATIONAL RAIL FREIGHT TERMINAL Representation CPRE Leicestershire 12 June 2022 __________________________________________ CPRE Leicestershire objects to the HRNFI project. We consider that: 1. The need is not properly established. This includes taking account of competing projects and potential for over-provision locally and regionally. 2. The rail network is unlikely to be utilised to the extent assumed and there is no requirement for it to be used from the outset or at all. This includes limitations to the availability of rail paths, the limited prospects of any significant measures to overcome rail capacity limitations, as well as uncertainty about usage of the rail freight element. 3. The direct and indirect traffic impact will be serious, particularly on surrounding roads. This includes the M69 itself and the M1. It also includes impacts on local villages and on rural roads, all the time and when there are diversions because the M69 (or other major roads) are not available. 4. There are wider detrimental impacts from the major change of introducing additional slip-roads to the M69 Junction 2. This includes HNRFI traffic and the impact of redistribution of existing traffic and newly generated traffic, not necessarily associated with the HNRFI itself. 5. It has not been demonstrated that the site would have good sustainable transport access or that this would make a noticeable difference to the way people would access to the site. This includes limitations to existing and proposed public transport and its viability, as well as walking and cycling provision. 6. The impact on the landscape, biodiversity and amenity cannot be adequately addressed. This includes: • loss of countryside, • wider landscape impacts, • loss of footpaths, access to open space and open countryside, • increase in light and noise pollution, • impacts on natural sites, including SSSIs and other local designations, • impacts on biodiversity, including protected species. 7. Impacts on air quality, noise and vibration. This includes the impact of additional traffic particularly HGV. 8. The overall impact on climate emissions is likely to be more serious than is being suggested. This includes the impact of construction and embedded carbon. It also includes the operation of the site, transport associated with the site and additional generated traffic on the network. 9. Cumulative Impacts This includes the impact of future development facilitated by changes to the highway network, particularly the introduction of new M69 Junction 2 slip roads.