Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Mark Cleverley

Date submitted
17 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear sir I totally disagree with the planning application. The environmental impact on the surrounding woodland and commmon land would be devastating. I’m not sure if anybody is aware of the number of endangered species that we are lucky to have within this protected site of special interest.Here is the list of Bird species- Green plover (lapwing-peewit) Yellowhamer, Bullfinch, red kite, linnet blackcap reed bunting red legged partridge barn owl tawny owl heron little egret kestrel Buzzard. The more common species are also there.some of these birds are red list endangered. Monkjack deer use the fields to access the courting styles in queens rd via the railway track, Hare’s live in the fields and can be spotted all year round. I was informed two years ago that the hub at castle donnnington is hardly used, this came from a reliable source. In light of recent advances in battery technology, HGVs should be electric powered by 2040. Is it worth losing greenbelt, foodproducing, carbon reducing, greenbelt for this short term fix. Hinckley will become totally surrounded by traffic congested roads. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.