Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Andy Dennis

Date submitted
18 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are writing to register our objection to the HNRFI application. This potential development would have a significantly negative impact on the quality of living in Stoney Stanton and also for the wider local area. The local area already has a high level of traffic and this proposal would significantly increase that traffic flow – making it less safe and more congested, resulting in a higher risk of injury or death due to increased vehicle movements in built up areas. In addition, the higher traffic flow would increase pollution at a time when air quality is under the highest levels of scrutiny. This would inevitably reduce the local air quality – which is a risk to public health. Also, there would be significant increases to both noise and light pollution, as a result of 24/7 operations – again at a detriment to quality of life. At a time when a significant number of transport infrastructure developments are aimed at bypassing built up areas, this project would deliberately send more traffic through Stoney Stanton and other rural villages – which is clearly at odds with that position. The local area already has some major transport hubs – such as the ever-expanding Magna Park and the recent DPD development in Hinckley. We would question the need for the additional burden of further development or the need for additional warehousing in this already saturated area. There are also existing rail hubs in the area, making the need for further rail development questionable at best. Overall, this proposal seems poorly thought through, ill advised and with total disregard for the local community.