Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Rodney Leigh

Date submitted
19 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly against the proposal of the HNRFI. For me and my family it would personally cause us terrible problems to our 'every day life'. We retired and purchased our farm to tend for our animals together with any wild life on the farm.The proposed HNRFI would border on our land where we grow hay for the livestock and where the animals graze. The air pollution,Noise,Light Pollution,Visual impact, Wildlife and Loss of Farmland will be devastating. Not to mention the Flooding / Drainage Issues and Highways and Traffic Issues. There is no justification for this development to be built in Elmesthorpe when you take into account the proximity and capacity of existing Rail Freight Interchanges in the area. Many of which are under utilised. Traffic in the area is already congested at various times of the day so any increase in traffic, albeit with the proposed plans will be dreadful. Flooding is another problem that we have to cope with already and the NHRFI proposals does not fully address this matter. Elmesthorpe is a lovely village to live in and all residents will be exposed to addition health risks and mental issues should this proposal get the 'go ahead. House prices are already dropping with the threat of the HNRFI proposal and will drop a lot further should the plan go ahead.