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Representation by Shell U.K. Limited (Shell U.K. Limited)

Date submitted
19 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs We are instructed on behalf of Shell U.K. Limited which owns and operates Sutton Elms Service Station, a high-quality roadside facility serving all categories of road traffic, located on the B4114 close to its junction with the B581. This junction is included within Works package 17 of the scheme as shown on the documents registered as 2.2H Works Plans [Sheet 8 of 8]. The service station is a trade related facility and any proposals which interfere with its access arrangements have the potential to seriously adversely affect its trading performance and market value. Although the proposals as presently drafted do not involve the acquisition of any land from the service station, the limits of the orders for works at the junction extend across the frontage and incorporate land within the highway directly adjoining the single vehicular egress from the property. At present, the service station is able to cater for nearside traffic which uses it on a left-in, left-out basis and offside traffic on a right-in, right-out basis using the ghosted right turn. Consequently, vehicles and significantly HGVs are able to turn both left and right out of the egress, which adjoins land included within the works package. The owner is therefore concerned to ensure that any works in the highway or land to be acquired take full and effective account of these existing trading arrangements. The owner's position to make further detailed representations is reserved and clarification relating to the detailed proposals for the works is requested. Yours faithfully James Hancock BSc MRICS Tim Hancock Associates (Chartered Surveyors)