Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Shelley Jackson

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Burbage common and woods - The effect on local wildlife and environment. Impact on environment due to Increased traffic and traffic pollution. Road infrastructure not fit for purpose. Impact on the surrounding village infrastructure - not enough school places , DRs literally at braking point and NO NHS dentist in Hinckley .... have to travel to another county- Warwickshire for dental care. Only one A&E in the whole of Leicestershire ! More traffic, more population more demand on local services. Already have magna Park distribution centre literally up the road. Not enough houses for the current village population. Country roads not suitable and already seeing artic lorries using the villages as 'short cuts' for the DPD and Amazon sites. Impact on the current level crossing at Narborough. Location , site, infrastructure just not suitable.