Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Christopher Linnett

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to oppose a new freight terminal near Burbage common. I am [Redacted] and it is the only near, free park available to me and has unparalleled space to roam in comparison with the other green spaces in the area. I take my 3 dogs there walking multiple times a week and it is their absolute favourite walking destination as well as my own and my friends and family. It is the same for hundreds of other dog owners in the area, whom we see regularly enjoying the park also. We already have fast trains going over us on the bridge and the m69 causing too much noise pollution as it is. A new terminal with more business and traffic would be a disgusting edition to the area. Global heating and climate change are a huge issue and I believe we need to be increasing and diversifying our green spaces, NOT digging more of it up for dirty polluting infrastructure. You only have to look at the lay-by entrance to the common where the current businesses are to see the massive issue with litter they create and let spill out into the park and the area and roads around the park. I will chain myself to a tree before I let this go ahead. Count us in for any peaceful resistance to these plans. Kind Regards