Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Barbara Jean York (as trustee of the York family trust)

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1.Noise and Vibration My property is [Redacted] and proposed site and I am concerned that noise and vibration during and after construction together with increased numbers of huge freight train movements both day and night will have an adverse effect on :- a) The structural integrity of the property b) Sleep and [Redacted] c) Property value and ability to sell if needing to move 2. Traffic in Elmesthorpe and local area a) What is to prevent haulage lorries using the B581 (Station Road) as a 'rat run' - something must be done to prevent this. b)Proposed exit from the site on to B4668 (Leicester Road) is totally inappropriate as it will encourage (a) NB A recent application for housing on The Common, Barwell was rejected by the Planning Inspector (this was almost opposite the proposed site exit on B4668). The ruling stated "I find that the proposed development would result in harmful visual impacts to the roads and footpaths immediately surrounding the site, resulting in an overall erosion of this green, open and rural edge to Barwell. In addition to this I have found some limited harm to highway safety and the local road network". - if this was rejected how could such a massive development be OK in the immediate vicinity? c) The B581 is already far too narrow to safely accomodate the needs of local residents and commuters without additional HGV traffic. 3. Requirement for HNRFI a) Government policy states that SRFIs are located 'near to the business it services'. With existing (and approved future) distribution facilities already in the area I believe the above requirements have already been met, despite the rather cynical market changes made by Tritax after the public consultations. b) Employment levels are high in the area, where will the workers come from? 4. Loss of Green Space This proposed massive, destructive development is being inserted in to the heart of a community of villages, ruining their access to a green open space, despite the suggested mitigations. Final Comment This should have been named the ELMESTHORPE RNFI not HINCKLEY RNFI. Hinckley is at least 2 to 3 miles away, Elmesthorpe is a few hundred meters!!