Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by James Sereda-Barsby

Date submitted
20 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange - Registration of Objection I am a resident in the village of Elmesthorpe Leicestershire and own a property along Burbage Common Road, and have lived here since 2014. I strongly object to the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange proposal located adjacent to my property along Burbage Common Road. No evidence has been provided within the proposal to mitigate, or offset the impacts upon residents, local area and the environment. The proposal has been dressed as a 'Green' development however the impact and long term strategy to operate the site will increase in CO2 emissions, destroy local ecology and increase flood risk to the area. Location - There is no justification as to the proposed build location in Elmesthorpe. Substantial sized Rail and Road freight hubs have already been built locally to the area in Hinckley (DPD and Amazon Hub A5-M69 J1) and the EMG - SRFI Kegworth Interchange (M1 J24). The Elmesthorpe Land Settlement is considered by many as unique area of open countryside, its loss can never be replaced or offset. Workforce - To support the operation of the proposal will require ~8,400 jobs . There is insufficient infrastructure to support this volume of anticipated traffic as the surrounding villages and area are already struggling. It is likely people working at the site will be seeking alternative local parking and walking to the site which will result in Elmesthorpe and the surrounding villages becoming a giant carpark and traffic logged, this will be impossible to police. There are no public transport services to support this either. There is insufficient housing local amenities and infrastructure to support an increase in the local population on this scale. Highways and Traffic - Hundreds of HGV movements will further increase to the traffic problems of the area. The footpaths within the village, Station Road B581, are narrow and insufficient. Large HGV vehicles frequently mount the kerb and verges, it is feared the increase in construction and operational traffic of this proposal will result in further casualties to those already recently occurred on the B581. During constriction the Highway and traffic issues will lead to depletion of air quality and noise pollution / mud on the roads. Construction traffic will become impossible to police as currently being experienced at the New Lubbesthorpe development in Leicester Forest East. Noise - The operation of the site is 24/7 which will generate constant noise from diesel freight movements / HGV vehicles / Crane gantry operation loading/unloading / Site shutting trains and sidings on site. During the construction of the site over a 10year period will similar generate constant noise from excavators, pilling machines, material deliveries and waste removal from site. All of which will impacts upon the enjoyment of my property. Light pollution - The proposal will cause a detrimental amount of light pollution. Flood lighting of the site / crane gantry operation / site vehicle movements car parking / additional highway lighting during, all during the night and of the months as the site is a 24/7 operation. This will impact upon my enjoyment of the night sky as an astronomer and deep sky photographer. Air Quality - The Health impact from the depletion of air quality is a massive concern, including as Dust from construction / increased emissions from diesel freight trains / HGV movements / Workforce car emissions / Ancillary and Servicing vehicles / Onsite Gas power plant. As a keen runner i enjoy the fresh air of the surrounding countryside and run along Burbage Common several times a week. Local Amenity - Burbage Common Road is constantly used by dog walkers / runners / ramblers / Horse riders / cyclists and provides a scenic link to Burbage Common Woods which will be lost as the proposal will divert people along gravel footpaths around the site and sandwiched them between the warehouse units and the M69. This destroys the amenity value and quality of relaxation afforded from the use of Burbage Common Road and access to the Woods. Visual impact - Inadequate proposals for screening the development from properties adjacent to the site as evidenced from Photomontages produced by the developer. No consideration has been made to make a large green space and bunding between the warehouse units and adjacent properties. Other developments such as at Kegworth have been surrounded by large green areas to conceal the development and soften its impacts, and to distance it core operational area from surrounding residents. Nothing but a few trees have been proposed along the boundary of the site which cannot block out 25m+ buildings Flooding and drainage issues - The attenuation ponds proposed appear woefully inadequate in relation to the size of the Warehouses and amount of hard standing proposed. It is also evident from existing site topography that exceedance of these ponds, in particular the attenuation pond adjacent to Unit 04 will result in direct flooding of the neighboring property of Langton Farm and adjacent surrounding land. The fields within the development boundary currently flood frequently including flooding along Burbage Common Road. The area is already at high risk of pluvial flooding as evidenced by the Stoney Stanton flooding of properties during February 2020. It is clear that no natural catchment management has been considered and the potential impact of this flood risk has not been assessed and mitigated. Wildlife and loss of farmland - Over 18km of hedgerow will be lost, hundreds of mature trees will be felled. Inadequate mitigation measures have been proposed to replace this habitat. Loss of breeding grounds for birds / Bat roosting etc. I currently enjoy the vast variety of wildlife in the local area enjoying the bats at dusk, birds throughout the seasons, hairs running across the fields. There is no net biodiversity gain by this proposal only loss. In conclusion the proposal brings severe detriment to the environment and local amenity and well being of the local residents and surrounding villages. There is no net benefit proposed by allowing this development.