Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by A Wilson

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Firmly believe that the proposed development will have adverse effects on the surrounding environment, residents and local businesses. Environmental concerns; the rail freight interchange poses a significant threat to the local environment. The construction process itself could result in habitat destruction, loss of green spaces and disturbance of natural ecosystems. Additionally the increased freight traffic will contribute to air pollution, noise pollution and traffic congestion, further deteriorating the quality of life for both humans and wildlife in the area. Public Health and Safety; the proposed rail freight interchange would increase the number of heavy vehicles on already congested roadways, posing serious risks to public safety. The potential for accidents involved these large vehicles is a major concern, especially considering the proximity of residential areas and education institutions. Moreover the associated increase in air pollution from diesel-powered trains and trucks could have severe health implications for the local community. Noise and Visual impact; the operation of a rail freight interchange typically involves round the clock activities, including loading and unloading operations, train movements and the associated noise from equipment and machinery. This constant noise pollution would be highly disruptive to nearby residents, significantly impacting their quality of life and overall well-being. Furthermore, the visual impact of the interchange with its industrial structures and increased traffic would negatively affect the scenic beauty and character of our community. Negative impact on local economy; whilst the freight interchange may bring potential economic benefits to some stakeholders, it is crucial to consider the adverse impacts on local businesses. The increased traffic congestion and noise pollution may deter customers from frequenting local establishments, leading to a decline in footfall and subsequently affecting the livelihoods of small businesses in the area. The interchanges presence may also discourage future investment and development opportunities that could contributed to the growth of our community and negatively impact on house prices in the area - leading to negative equity for local residents. I look forward to reading the comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment that needs to be conducted to evaluate these consequences