Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by The rushin family (The rushin family)

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. the HNRFI is not situated in Hinckley it is in the elemesthorpe village. 2) It will be situated on a natural flood plain which flood's on a regular basis. 3) the total size of the proposed project will totally swamp and devastate the village of elemesthorpe, the plan intends to take away our common road leading to Burbage common and historic wood's dateing back to the doomsday book, which is intended to be linked with the national forest at normanton millennium wood two miles away, leaving no access for the diverse wildlife we already have. 4) The proposed rail freight is not an electrified rail line so the diesel emissions from an Extra 35 train's every day and thousands of extra vehicles a day using the site will massively increase the emissions and pollution levels in the area. 5) There are eight small villages and one town within a two miles radius of this huge project with very small and narrow roads which whould not be able to cope with the increased traffic, these roads are all ready over burdened now. 6) There are already several rail freight interchanges within a 15 miles radius of this proposed project which are not yet up to full capacity. We feel that this project will have a serious affect on our and other people's health and wellbeing.