Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Adrian Devine

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The project has no benefits for the area and is not necessary (There are already a number of freight terminals within striking distance). The associated "road enhancements" are only to enable access for the HGVs that will use the site. The will not benefit local people to any extent, and some of the proposals are not feasible (eg road improvement in the center of Sapcote). Eco credentials are either box ticking exercise or just incorrect in my opinion. Green areas around the site will in no way compensate for the impact on the local common and woods - the net effect will be detrimental. Volumes of traffic will increase significantly. The road infrastructure around Hinckley is already overburdened and suffers from traffic pinch points within Hinckley and on the A5. Taking into account all the additional housing earmarked for the area and the logistics depots already in place the flow of traffic is going to be terrible. The cumulative impact of the project should it go ahead will be a very negative one for everyone living in the Hinckley area. Does anyone actually look at the impact of plans as a whole? Is it that for instance, each project adds say 2000 journeys per day through Hinckley so each project is OK? But if the impact of plans in progress or that have taken place over the past few years are looked at as a whole I suspect that several plans would not have been allowed.