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Representation by Mr Christopher Miles Manning

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madame, I wish to raise significant concerns over the impact this development will have on the on the those living on through roads in Stoney Stanton, in my case upon the residents of Hinckley Road. The proposal to create a significant logistics hub and to open up South facing slip roads on Junction 2 of the M69 will result in a significant increase in road traffic, both car and HGV freight traffic, commuting towards the M6 - Coventry and Birmingham direction, in addition to the existing M1, Leicester commuter traffic. The abject failure of the proposed scheme to build a bypass around the villages of Stoney Stanton and Sapcote, will result in all this additional traffic being driven through the streets of small villages such as these, and the 24/7 logistics park will mean heavy freight traffic passing through the village within metres of residential housing at all hours of the day and night. This increased traffic will also lead to a significant increase in air pollution along theses residential streets. In effect my street will become a trunk road for freight transport in a similar way to the A5, but with the major difference being that these are residential streets, not the open countryside. My house shakes when lorries drive past, and the prospect of the noise, vibration and air pollution caused by turning my residential street in to a trunk road is extremely concerning. It would appear that no consideration has been given to the impact of this development upon the residents of these villages, who will be left with their homes blighted whilst developers who profit from this will never have to experience the detriment that they have inflicted upon the lives of others. I am not in principal opposed to the development itself, but I am fundamentally opposed to it, if as proposed, it is built without the adequate investment in the accompanying road infrastructure in the form of village bypasses. I would respectfully ask that the Examining Authority exercises it's powers to recommend significant additional road infrastructure to bypass village communities, or if not, halts the scheme altogether. Yours sincerely Mr C. Manning