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Representation by Gillian Mary Barsby

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Introduction I am [REDACTED] years old and have lived in Elmesthorpe for over 20 years and along with my family help run a livery yard business. This proposed development will be right up to our boundary resulting in catastrophic consequences not only for our business but also our health and well being. I feel this is totally unacceptable and object in the most strongest of terms to these proposals. Flooding Burbage Common Road, Elmesthorpe and the surrounding area already suffer with flooding, as the brooks and streams and drainage simply cannot cope, With climate change we are experiencing far greater rainfall which can be very heavy at times causing major problems locally and this happens on a regular basis. In fact to back this up the proposed crematorium on the outskirt of Elmesthorpe has already run into problems regarding this issue and all work has now ceased for over 12 months. Transport There is no public transport in Elmesthorpe and areas surrounding. What proposals are being considered to address this to cater for employees? Elmesthorpe has limited footpaths so access through the village is not safe for pedestrians. Parking Car and Lorry What provisions are being made for employees to park their cars? There are no car parks on the plan! The provision for lorry parking does not cover for overnight truck stop facilities. Infrastructure All the roads around us are already struggling with the shear volume of traffic, certain times of the day Station Road Elmesthorpe B581 is to capacity. Road access off Junction 2 of the M69 was only made for access to and from Leicester because of the lack of infrastructure in other directions. The A47 would not be able to cope with any further increase in the volume of traffic. Bridle Path/Rights of Way This is a major concern for us as the planned diversion of rights of way for horses, cyclists, and pedestrians have not been taken into account. A pelican crossing has been proposed at the M69 access road to the site which is simply not practical at all for horses!! This will need an underpass or bridge to be safe, which we already have on the perimeter road A47 for example. Noise and Pollution The affect on the amount of trains that will be running in 24 hours day and night will be enormous. How can this be considered so close to a village and houses being on the boundary. This will result in sleep deprivation and possible mental health issues. Pollution is another great concern as I personally already suffer with asthma, which is already on the increase in the wider population due to pollution. There will also be noise from the overhead gantries as trains are unloaded with vehicle movement and audible warning devices as vehicles are moving around, all non stop 24 hours. This will be horrendous, how are we expected to live alongside this? Wildlife One of the biggest travesties is the loss of wildlife. This particular area is surrounded by so much wildlife on the existing farmland and common. I cannot begin to imagine the devastation this development will cause. Lighting The impact of overnight lighting of this site will be enormous, not only for us but also the horses on our livery yard. We should ask ourselves should we be impacting on the environment in this way. Barrier Gates It is paramount that a as business our client’s will have access via a bridleway to Burbage Common at all times. It is my understanding this development could take 10 years to complete. What plans are in place to ensure that we will have this facility for the duration and after completion. What gates/barriers are proposed to stop vehicle access to the site from Station Road Elmesthorpe, but still allowing access for horses. We have 4 similar developments all within a 20/40 mile radius. Do we need another? Elmesthorpe is as small village and as such it is impractical to build a monstrosity of a development in this location and causing all the issues mentioned above. I feel very strongly that little to no consideration has been given to any of our concerns from day one. Public meetings were shambolic and poorly structured with most people being ignored. This is totally the wrong site for such a development.