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Representation by Hannah Margaret Gillian Illston-Barsby

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Introduction I am [redacted] years old and have lived in Elmesthorpe for over 20 years and during that time I have built my Horse Livery Stables into a very successful business. If this development goes ahead this could finish my livelihood and have a devastating effect on my future. Location The proposed development is not acceptable as it is on the boundary of my land also it restricts the access to Burbage Common which is paramount for the running of my business. Safe hacking is essential and a major facility in the operation of my business and is used daily. There are four similar developments within 40 mile radius so I feel we have our fair share of developments of this kind within our area. Workforce The plan does not allow for any parking for employees on site and there is no public transport servicing this village. There is no lack of employment in the area so we do not need this burden to be placed upon us. Highways The traffic in the area is always congested from the M69 to M1 junction building up morning and late afternoon. The A47 is very heavy with proposed developments at Leicester Forest East already planned. Burbage Common Road has motorists using it as a cut through to the A47 Hinckley. The B581 through Elmesthorpe to Stoney Stanton is currently overloaded with traffic, there is a lack of pavements which also is a danger to pedestrians. Flooding The plans do not provide enough attenuation lakes, currently the brooks and streams are unable to cope with heavy rainfall resulting in flooding on a regular basis. With climate change this is only getting worse. The planned crematorium on the edge of our village has come to as halt over 12 months ago because of this precise problem. Parking The plans do not show parking facilities for employees and visitors on site, only lorry/HGV parking. Air Quality The 16 trains plus lorries, plant and heating of buildings will make air quality not acceptable as it has been recorded on the A47 that there are already high levels with the current traffic now. My mother already suffers with asthma, which is on the increase in todays climate. Access on Site If this project goes ahead Burbage Common Road would need to be gated from the start of development to stop construction vehicles coming down. Sewerage Sewerage and waste from the site will impact on the already overloaded system and will put more risk of flooding in the area. Bridleway The rights of way and bridleway will have to be diverted and accessible at the start of the project and provide a safe passage to Burbage Common, this is key in the operation of my business. The pelican crossing proposed would not be safe for horses and a bridge or underpass would be needed similar to the one on the A47 bypass. Environmental Impact With the plans proposed the impact will be enormous with the loss of farmland to the local habitat the size of the building being a blot on the landscape, we can ill afford this in our rural community. The retention of soul from the development should be kept on site and not transported away. The information provided at public meetings and surveys was inadequate and was pointed out but has not been addressed in the plans proposed. Noise The amount of trains every 24 hours with lorries, overhead gantries and plant, plus audible warning alarms all generating noise causing residents lack of sleep and possible mental health issues. Lighting Light pollution will have an affect on not only myself but also the horses with the close proximity of this development. To sum up I feel very strongly that I and my business have been ignored and no consideration made to any of my concerns, or the overall impact that this development would have on all the point raised above. I feel totally let down.