Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Lisa Howes

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

If this project was to go ahead it would have an extremely damaging affect on me and all of the hundreds of other people that visit Burbage Common and Woods on a daily basis. This area is our biggest accessible green space and it provides the opportunity for exercise in a beautiful setting. The tranquility of the woods and common would be severely damaged by the building of the proposed Rail Hub. The wildlife that we regularly see on quite contemplative walks will be deterred from the area. Currently I visit the woods and the footpaths near by to walk my dog and at the end of a busy and stressful day it is so nice to be able to spend some time in the quite and beautiful countryside. Having a huge development of this kind, completely surrounding the area will ruin any peace and quiet and will be an eyesore to look at. The already congested roads within Hinckley and Burbage will become more congested with the increased traffic from the Hub, making the simplest journey's very tedious. The gantry lighting proposed and the noise of freight during the evening and night will affect the households living in the area with light and noise pollution. I believe if this project was to go ahead the negative impact on Burbage, Hinckley and the surrounding villages will be massive. I do not believe that the destructive nature of the proposed development can be countered by building a footpath along the perimeter and by creating a new wildlife area many miles away as suggested by the adviser during the public consultation process! Please do not let this proposed development go ahead!